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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. These are Republicans in Missouri that we're talking about.
  2. The Lee family, here in the Twin Cities
  3. 538: Time for the End of the Teen Gymnast
  4. This. If the voters in Iowa wouldn't get rid of Jodi Ernst, they will not beat Grassley. Even though there are at least two good candidates on the Dem side, one of which is a farmer.
  5. From a poorly-vaccinated area of central Minnesota...
  6. Keep in mind that Pawlenty won his two elections with low-40% of the vote, and needed a lot of goofy shit to go his way to win them.
  7. I know a lot of people are comparing this to the end of the dictatorship in Romania. East Germany was quickly heading that way, too. Unfortunately, most of Ceausescu's cronies ended up in the government that followed the dictatorship. Without a clear path defining what's next, that's what is likely with Cuba. Contrast it with the eventual reunification of Germany. It helped that the Kremlin wanted no violence.
  8. You speak as if that's a drawback to the GQP electorate.
  9. They also had to enforce 6 weeks of absolute, lock-apartments-shut-from-outside, lockdown to do that. On top of that, their COVID vaccines don't work.
  10. In the early 1950s, when the Cypress Street Viaduct was designed (along with its twins, the Embarcadero Freeway in SFO and the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle), the impact of soil liquefaction due to earthquakes on structures was not well understood. IIRC, it wasn't until some time later that the engineers were able to quantify and determine methods to mitigate this.
  11. It's a damn good thing to have more judges with experience as a public defender on the bench.
  12. IIRC the 35W bridge in Minneapolis was caused by a seized pier bearing that eventually overloaded a gusset plate. I don't remember if deck loading had much to do with it. This is fucked up six ways from Sunday.
  13. So much love for the 2nd Amendment. So little love for the 24th.
  14. Isn't the shart thread in Lulz?
  15. 41 present and voting to continue would be a country mile better than the current situation.
  16. Outstanding first episode. Echo what others said about 45 minutes feeling like 10. Looking forward to the rest.
  17. Even if he did that, it didn't end well for 'ol Benito. Shot by partisans and the corpse being hung from an Esso station in Milan.
  18. Good luck to her, and I'd love to be completely wrong on this, but Florida is going to be a hard damn lift. It's now a red state unless and until proven otherwise.
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