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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. He also played Dirty Harry's vigilante commander.
  2. Doug Ducey won't be challenging Mark Kelly in Arizona. Considering he was the best of Kelly's challengers, this race looks a lot less competitive. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/535535-arizona-gov-ducey-says-he-wont-run-against-mark-kelly-for-senate
  3. I first thought that Ohio is to Democrats as Minnesota is to Republicans: fools gold. Then I looked, and Sherrod Brown won a second term by daylight on the same ballot as Mike DeWine, and Obama won it in 2012, so who knows what to make of that race. It's a hard lift, but it's worth looking at. Iowa is a red state now, even if Chuck Grassley is unable or unwilling to run again. Ditto for Florida, unless Rubio gets taken out from his right flank and Trump can break the GOP there. Ron Johnson was dragged in by the Trump wave, but that was also the last time a Republican won a statewide race there. So 2022 election will be fought in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Imagine that. FYI: the senators for the next state admitted sort into Classes 1 and 2, which means appointments to fill the seat immediately after admission, specials in 2022, and full terms in 24 and 26. I'm not sure who/how appointments would be made from DC. I read the statehood acts for both Alaska and Hawaii, and both directed the territorial governor to make the initial appointments.
  4. Nate Silver did an analysis of potential voting in an impeachment a couple of years ago. His prediction was that the 67th vote would have to be Roy Blunt, but that was before Dem Senate losses in 2018 and a coup attempt on January 6..
  5. The true sign of how good Bellichek and Brady were together were the 14 appearances in the AFC Championship Game together. No one else has more than 7.
  6. So how do you stop the Chiefs? One thing is clear: opponents have to play to go for it every time on 4th down.
  7. Missed PATs aren't gonna get it done either.
  8. Vikings have been in 5 NFC Championship Games since their last Super Bowl and have horrific losses in all of them. Two of those (98 and the Bountygate game in New Orleans) were 7th Circle of Hell losses that make people stop following professional football. Two others were embarrassing no shows. Not sure how the one in Washington felt, was too young. I would love to see Bills Mafia hoist the Lombardi Trophy.
  9. Pelosi transmits the article down the hall on Monday. No one seems to know what happens after that.
  10. Tom Hanks didn't look or sound good. Otherwise, damn good program.
  11. Registration begin today in Minnesota for the next stage of vaccination. People O65, preK-12 teachers and district staff, child care workers. MDH is aiming to use the hub model, with 9 community vaccination sites to be opened statewide. Gov. Walz was also very clear that the effort is being constrained by limited vaccine supply. The primary side effect of getting vaccinated seems to be bragging about getting the vaccination.
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