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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. We saw that back in April in Milwaukee, or at least the crawl through glass to vote Democrat effect. Wisconsin will also be an interesting test case of someone's theory (Brisket maybe?) that when you lose suburban women, the gerrymander breaks. Recall that in 2018, when Democrats won statewide Assembly votes by ~9 points, it got them 34 out of 99 seats.
  2. Some of the unrepentant Trumpers that I know have gone into full radio silence following his weekend at Walter Reed. I doubt it'll push them away from checking the box for him, but it's a step in the right direction.
  3. Early voting is sizzling along in Minneapolis. 19,231 ballots cast as of the close of business today, which is four times as many as were cast at this point in 2016.
  4. Perhaps the fourth big act in the next Congress (after Voting Rights Act, COVID relief, and the 2021 Judiciary Act) is an update to the Wagner and Taft-Hartley Acts so that it accurately reflects the nature of the modern American workforce?
  5. The great irony of this is that as commander of SHAEF, Ike led the greatest antifa force ever assembled.
  6. Yet the Trumpers in my FB feed are bound and convinced that he's kicking Biden's ass.
  7. If you want to kill corporate personhood, you have to go all the way back to Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific.
  8. Add Alaska to that list. A dollar literally goes a lot further in Alaska than in Iowa. That said, if the field expands and the GOP suddenly has to play even more defense, where does it go? The next tier of races is a hard lift even with Biden at the top of the ticket (Kansas, Mississippi, Bama, Georgia, Texas, and Kentucky), and I'm sick of counting on the former Confederacy to turn blue.
  9. Wasn't Murkowski the other one who already said no to a pre-election confirmation? Speaking of Alaska, that's a seat that could be a surprise flip. Al Gross has a hell of a resume.
  10. Woman elected VP at 59 cents seems pretty undervalued. If you're looking for an underdog at a nice price, you can get No Republican (i.e. Jamie Harrison) in South Carolina Senate for 25 cents.
  11. Lester Holt tried to fact-check him in 2016 during the debate, and he blew through it like a line of Adderall.
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