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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. So what's the counter punch to this?
  2. I was wrong about the number of cases at the JBS plant in Worthington: I said 1, it's actually 19. https://m.startribune.com/first-covid-19-case-confirmed-at-pork-plant-in-worthington-minn/569731152/
  3. Bad news out of SW MN: First confirmed case at the JBS pork plant in Worthington. Seems like family members work both here and in the shuttered plant in Sioux Falls. Gov. Walz seems to want to use that plant as a test case for the kind of intense testing regimen that will be required to not just reopen things but give confidence to go out.
  4. https://m.startribune.com/minnesota-s-u-mayo-ramp-up-covid-19-testing/569694402/ U of M and Mayo ready to ramp up testing to 10K of the antibody and molecular tests each.
  5. I was also skeptical of the cheeseheads, but they came through when it mattered. I suspect that there was much "I'm willing to crawl over glass to vote these assholes out" sentiment. Something I just thought of: how much trouble is Richard Burr in with the law? I doubt much with Bill Barr in charge of the DoJ, but you never know. This is one that could pop up between now and then.
  6. I still don't like the direction Minnesota's daily numbers are going. Third day in a row above 80 positive tests.
  7. There were enough gatherings (as well as vandalism) in Wisconsin to force the DNR to outright close most of their state parks.
  8. As long as we're in the discussion of milk: https://www.wsaw.com/content/news/Wis-dairy-cooperative-encourages-dairy-farmers-to-quit-industry-569374571.html Ellsworth Creamery is getting their ass kicked due to the crash in demand for butter, cheese, and solid dairy.
  9. Full Minnesota numbers are released daily at 11AM, and can be found at health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/situation.html Maybe things are working around here, in that the number of confirmed cases has consistently been between 50 and 75 daily since March 26, with no exponential surge. Recoveries at about half of the positive cases.
  10. The fact that Michigan keeps hitting above .400 daily on successful tests leads me to think that community transmission has been a thing for a lot longer than mid-March. In case you have forgotten what leadership looks like (many in this country have), here is Tim Walz's State of the State address from last night.
  11. A clear explanation of where things are in the state, using actual facts and figures. Didn't sugarcoat things. Acknowledged how unpleasant things are and how bad things could get, but also noted what's been done, why it's been done, and what future contingency plans look like. Several friends of mine who are unrepentant Republicans have been duly impressed with how he's handling it.
  12. From Kentucky. Not a good sign. https://www.kentucky.com/news/coronavirus/article241741256.html
  13. From Monday's Minneapolis Star Tribune, this is an article about how tiny Martin County, on the MN-IA border, became such a COVID-19 hotspot. https://m.startribune.com/2-residents-of-rural-martin-county-die-of-covid-19/569239942/
  14. Mayo Clinic getting shit done, round 4: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/04/01/mayo-clinic-expects-covid19-antibody-test-to-be-ready-monday not sure if this is the test that ChiTownDoc took, but it's tests like this that need to be scaled.
  15. Mayo Clinic getting shit done, part 3: https://www.startribune.com/u-mayo-ready-covid-19-antibody-tests-in-minnesota/569233992/ First, Mayo has been cranking through something like 4,000+ tests per day and has helped clear the state's testing backlog. Now, the U of M/Mayo joint researchers have trials out for the antibody tests. They've got work yet to do, and need more testing, but the process and early results are quite promising.
  16. It's clear that those whining about excessive unemployment have never actually had to draw it
  17. If the occupant of the Oval Office won't lead, blue state governors will. Walz did a damn fine job on his address earlier this afternoon.
  18. Press conference at 2PM CDT in Minnesota. Governor Walz's office expected to produce a shelter-in-place order. 287 confirmed cases here on 6365 tests ran, but everyone thinks the true number is at least 10 times that. Mayo doing their part by clearing 3000 tests per day.
  19. Per the Seattle Times, they're suspending operations at all their Puget Sound facilities.
  20. So does a member of Gov. Tim Walz's security detail. He's holing up for two weeks. I'm expecting the Shelter-in-place order in Minnesota later today.
  21. The American taxpayer did just fine by TARP, even if it was a universally despised idea at the time.
  22. This was Tim Walz's main point in his presser this afternoon. Testing capacity has been tight in the state's labs, and he's mad that the tests can't be run in quantity.
  23. How many times has the first circuit breaker been hit since last Monday? Ive counted at least 4 of 8 trading days.
  24. IL-3 is D+6. This is also the district in which an unrepentant white supremacist (forgot his name already) was the 2018 Republican nominee because no one else filed to run.
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