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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. Minneapolis Super is completely sold out. Tickets that hadn't been bought by season ticketholders went on sale at 9 this morning and were gone by 10.
  2. Weather is looking bad in Minneapolis as well. Saturday and Sunday look like total washouts. Based on when the rain is supposed to arrive in MSP, there's a good chance the second game tonight doesn't even start. Would they try to play all 7 on Monday? This is terra incognita for everyone involved here.
  3. The great irony in all of this was that the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act were all Republican creations.
  4. There are a lot of Derbies where the best horse doesn't win (see most of them in the late 90s-early 2000s). Had the jockeys in the pack not been paying attention, there could have easily been an ugly multi-horse pileup behind Maximum Security's antics.
  5. The reason why many of that group aren't pleased is because the cop that killed Philando Castille walked, and that one was just as bad if not worse than this. I will say that when the jury came back after only 9 hours of deliberation, I thought for sure Noor was walking. Q&A with one of the jurors: https://www.kare11.com/amp/article?section=news&subsection=local&headline=juror-speaks-about-mohamed-noor-verdict&contentId=89-7b28d527-5a0e-4024-b2b4-68921e7c579c&__twitter_impression=true The biggest takeaway from the trial for me is that Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman didn't convene a grand jury to make this go away. It's because no one on the MPD force would talk to his investigators, and the grand jury was needed to compel testimony. @LouRaguse from KARE 11 on Twitter has done a hell of a job on covering this trial.
  6. The Sun also claimed that Liverpool fans were to blame for the Hillsborough disaster, so they've got some credibility issues. Don't buy or quote the Sun.
  7. Some of the proceedings from the House Judiciary Committee in the summer of 1974 sound awfully familiar.
  8. It's 2:43 PM at Target Field in Minneapolis, and OU still sucks.
  9. Clint Black with Little Texas and another opening band (maybe Aaron Tippin), Target Center in Minneapolis, maybe fall 1992?
  10. Ditto. Even if the stonework is compromised, this is a much better starting position for the restoration than what we were all afraid of.
  11. That's what it looked like. I'm guessing the spire coming down punched out one of the stone arches. The one on the right.
  12. You can see something afire in the north tower on the CBS YouTube feed.
  13. Sky News (the NBC video feed has switched to them) has a source claiming that the fire has gotten into one of the towers.
  14. Sombitch, the allergies are flaring up
  15. If Barr is Q I'm still waiting for him to produce James Bond's next legal trinket.
  16. Tech just choking State out right now.
  17. Previous governments would have dissolved Parliament and called an election after the first crushing defeat. 3 knockdown rule clearly not in effect today.
  18. Is this the correct place to put this?
  19. Up until the early 2000s, the sites were tied to the region. IIRC, this changed after Georgetown, Maryland, and George Mason were all sent to Boise for first round action, and the Capitol press corps got a hold of it and raised holy hell.
  20. Eat shit, Wisconsin. That is all. Carry on.
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