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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. Eat shit, Wisconsin. That is all. Carry on.
  2. If May's plan was to grind down opposition in the Commons via a war of attrition, John Bercow threw cold water on that plan this morning. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/mar/18/brexit-john-bercow-rules-out-third-meaningful-vote-on-same-deal
  3. May's second deal trounced again, something like 202 aye, 391 nay. Vote on a no-deal departure tomorrow, then request for extension on Thursday.
  4. Vote coming at appx. 2 PM CDT today on the re-negotiated deal. The DUP had already announced they will oppose it.
  5. Damn shame he's transferring. He was the Gophers' best weapon in the 4th quarter of the Axe game.
  6. He's back in the Cook County jug tonight. Unless he comes up with $161,000 in back child support, he'll be there until trial. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2019/03/06/r-kelly-cbs-interview-gayle-king-court-child-support/3083301002/
  7. Gomez going hard in the paint on the tax returns.
  8. Per the CNN live blog, 5 Democrats are left to speak after the restart: AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, Khanna, and Gomez. I think the Republicans are done.
  9. Stacey Plaskett going for the RNC angle.
  10. Doesn't this schmuck know there's a $5 fine for whining?
  11. Greg Steube, you forgot to bring the Astroturf to the hearing room.
  12. This dude has forgotten that attorney-client privilege doesn't apply to crimes committed.
  13. His dad was on the House Judiciary Committee when they moved a bill of impeachment against Richard Nixon.
  14. Virginia Foxx first up after the break, and she clearly didn't get the message about trashing Cohen instead of his documentation.
  15. "Are you referring to me or the President?"
  16. Whole lotta whining from the ranking member
  17. Elijah Cummings ain't taking any bullshit today.
  18. Here's Jim Jordan showing his true colors
  19. Bitter, party of one...
  20. Remind me pg the last time that talking shit to the judge in the courtroom ever worked out.
  21. Nigel Farage is lucky he's not locked in the Tower for causing the whole Brexit fiasco.
  22. If nothing else, there are damn good candidates coming in on the Dem side. There is actually a way to 51 for the Dems this time. ME, AZ, CO, and NC (assuming Doug Jones is an auto-loss). Unlike in 2018, only of the underdogs has to come in to flip the chamber.
  23. Klobuchar's announcement in a snowstorm may be one of the most Minnesota things ever.
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