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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. That game was a straight-up ass kicking. Probably the best all-around game from the Gophers all year.
  2. A sudden display of concertina wire on the Irish frontier and the new border searches at the Dover ferry landing will have a lot more impact than Y2K could ever dream of having.
  3. So it's a confidence motion against May as leader of the Tories. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna946861 Vote expected between noon and 1 PM CST.
  4. Confidence motion against May as leader of the Tories or confidence motion against the Government? Plenty of rumors of both, but there's a big difference between the two.
  5. GopherRock

    NFL week 14

    As long as we're on the subject of WTF, WTF is going on with the Saints?
  6. I'm in a loser's pool (think opposite of survivor pool), and this is a tough week indeed
  7. Grandma GR and her family was living on the Pearl City Peninsula on the morning of December 7, 1941. So yes, this does strike close to home.
  8. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2018-12-05/u-k-trapped-in-irish-backstop-legal-advice-says-brexit-update This is what May has been fighting to keep under wraps: a hard border in the Irish Sea. Considering the Ulstermen are what's keeping the Government together, this isn't going to end well for May.
  9. Klan gonna Klan https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/nooses-found-hanging-trees-mississippi-capitol-2018-11-26/
  10. The U of M bought all the Row the Boat IP from WMU, and it has been a central theme in the last two years of marketing. Fleck is still a loudmouthed used car salesman, but this time he's actually got something to sell. I was down at the Bierman building Saturday night when the Axe came back to Minneapolis. It was pretty neat. And yes, Paul Bunyan's Axe is every bit as big as it looks.
  11. It happened! IT HAPPENED!
  12. Haven't won at the Camp since 1994. Is this really happening?!?!
  13. It's 23-7 in the 4th with the Gophers at the weasel 11. So far they have taken almost 9 minutes off the clock on this series doing nothing but running the ball. I'm expecting this to go sideways, and will continue to do so until the clock shows 0.
  14. He thinks he's cooler than me.
  15. DB got clotheslined by his own man.
  16. At some point, he's going to try that stunt with one of his kids that is old enough to return the favor.
  17. Having Tyreek Hill when behind by 28 points is like the USA swim relay being 8 seconds behind with Katie Ledecky jumping into the pool.
  18. Just like they had to trade Montgomery after his decision to take the kickoff out of the Coliseum end zone, McCarthy deserves to get fired just for that decision to punt. Packers need to clean house and start over.
  19. They're having one as it is, and that's before May faces an outright rebellion and a confidence motion in the Commons.
  20. The calm before the tornado sirens come on and hell comes to breakfast...
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