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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. Channel 5, the newsroom that commissioned this poll, is the worst local news in the Twin Cities, and has been for some time. Trump winning U34s 54-29? I want a dose of whatever drugs this pollster is smoking. The MNGOP, or rather what's left of it, was crowing about this. All you need to know about them is that their main financier during the 2010s is currently serving 21 years in the federal joint for sex trafficking.
  2. Sale of the Timberwolves falls through. ARod and Marc Lore don't have the money and can't come up with it. This is going to leave ARod/Lore with something like 40% of the team.
  3. The last time Wisconsin elected a Legislature under fair maps was either 2008 or 2010. One big reason why the SCOWI went Democrat last year is because all the students that were in elementary school during the open teacher rebellion of 2011 watched their teachers get boatraced in the years since.
  4. Play La Marseillaise. PLAY IT! (gets nod from Bogey)
  5. It helps that her husband is the head writer at SNL, but it still takes chops to go from inspiration to doing the sketch in 36 hours or less.
  6. The US already tried permanent DST in 1974. By the time the experiment ended early, everyone hated it. https://www.washingtonian.com/2022/03/15/the-us-tried-permanent-daylight-saving-time-in-the-70s-people-hated-it/
  7. The freshwater condenser on Midway Island has broken down.
  8. Never underestimate the ability of this Court to come up with the worst possible outcome. If the Court was serious, oral argument would have been much sooner than the end of April. The Steel Seizure Case went from the initial suit on April 5 to final resolution on June 2, including oral argument 10 days after the DC Circuit heard the case en banc.
  9. Something about wishing in one hand, shitting in the other, and seeing which one gets full first.
  10. Also, April 22 is considered expedited?
  11. Never underestimate the ability of this Court to come up with the worst possible outcome.
  12. Gump was the best skit of the night. Shane was nervous to the point of being visibly rattled in the monologue. Also, I know humor is subjective, but his material wasn't landing at all.
  13. Fucking robocallers are back, except now they're leaving voicemails containing their whole fucking schtick. Fuck you!
  14. From your lips to God's ears.
  15. Bibi's end result has nothing to do with the safety of Israel, and everything to do with staying out of prison. Everything they're doing must be viewed through that lens.
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