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Everything posted by markstanco

  1. He wishes Texas players to get hurt, fuck anybody who does that no matter what. Find a new team.
  2. Awful fan. Cheer for ou going forward.
  3. That would probably be a record or something.
  4. @cabowabo fuck off with your Quinn hoping to be hurt. He managed the game well. the football forum is full of awful people. Can’t believe fans want players on THEIR OWN TEAM to be hurt.
  5. Why is this the most obvious? Honest question.
  6. He would kick both of our asses in our prime.
  7. No kidding. And the audio gets loud and then not, and then 360p type of 1995 picture.
  8. I’m 350 down and it’s awful. I can switch to yttv and all is great. The audio keeps changing, buffering, they weren’t prepared at Netflix.
  9. Not a boxing guy but I agree. It’s been fun
  10. Oh got it. Best social media platform for college football and it isn’t close.
  11. Huh? No way you are that disconnected.
  12. India. 7-11. A little racist. But me too for putting that together.
  13. Because you don’t have Netflix? No idea other than that. Literally watching some undercard intro right now.
  14. You should be, because it will at times. There will be false starts and then it gets louder.
  15. OPs name does not check out.
  16. One of our lineman got hurt, the center. Not good, he is solid. Got hurt playing a 2-8 team. A 2-8 fucking team. Good job UIL.
  17. Texting with some stars bros tonight. They are having issues as well. I have 1 gig download and no issues. I don’t think it is that but who knows.
  18. I hope sark takes this seriously like he says he does. It’s their Super Bowl. Their coach would likely get an extension with a win, or at least another year without getting fired. Sark knows this obviously. All gas sark.
  19. Pretty much expected. They wear that red color at home. #keepQEclean.
  20. Everytime I see this guys name I stutter.
  21. TXK Pleasant grove is playing a 2-8 team. This is so dumb. Up by 35 at half. This is how you get kids hurt.
  22. Still wouldnt be the highest buyout ever.
  23. Thanks
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