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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Looks like a 64 and a half. I inherited a 66 dad bought new in October of 65 for $2400. Good times at 12mpg.
  2. Badass. Thanks for posting.
  3. 6 years? There's no way in my mind that he was at Texas for 6 years. Who the fuck would allow that?
  4. CBB is normally awful, but this Xavier Illinois game is awesome.
  5. Jay Wright with a burnt orange tie.
  6. Give up Shaka
  7. C'mon man. We know you're wealthy enough to be a world traveler. NYC and California have some of the world's most attractive women, and none of them look at the current press secretary as a role model.
  8. No. In fact, Troy Nehls told me my CEO is so woke. I'm unfamiliar with the term. Can you use it in a sentence.
  9. Galloway has talked about how men marry equal or down while women marry equal or up. That's going to be a problem when women outnumber men 2 to 1 at universities and are therefore positioned for higher pay and prestige. That's a bigger problem in my mind than porn, and we've got a political party attacking education.
  10. I got stranded in Anchorage for a week in 2007 or 8 when Mt. Redoubt was spewing ash over the city. Continental wouldn't take a chance of frying their engines. Eventually the hotel wouldn't let people go outside lest you suck in ash glass. Got me out of jury duty and my next trip, so good times.
  11. I think some of those McNeese cheerleaders will be slinging the kitty cat tonight.
  12. Well, actually, Finns aren't Scandinavian. They're just drunks. Therefore happy.
  13. I like to drink cocktails alone in the evenings. Then I get happy enough.
  14. I know nothing of this team, but can we keep shooting at this percentage?
  15. Goddamn college basketball is hard to watch. Shout-out to all y'all that watch every game because the jersey says Texas.
  16. Why in the flying fuck would this state need to breed deer? Every hill country neighborhood is overrun with scrawny malnourished deer scrambling for water and food.
  17. What is this obsession with the 10 commandments. I never realized there were that many Jews in Texas and Oklahoma. Forget the fact that Moses wasn't real which means the 10 commandments isn't real. He was based on a previous Syrian character.
  18. Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
  19. I'm really concerned about this summer. We're already at stage 4 water restrictions in our area of Comal County. Rain motherfucker.
  20. Have Chuck Schumer tell everyone to call their rep with his readers hanging off his nose.
  21. Did you have an official apnea diagnosis that requires reporting cpap usage to certain organizations?
  22. Meh. Good for them. They've left a billion dollars annually on the table the last 15 years. If you don't want to pay for the bags, get their card. Moving your fatass and your wife's steamer trunk 7 miles up at 8 miles a minute burns fuel. Fuel costs money. Airlines should charge by the pound. The problem with this dumbass industry is that it gives away products, and their customers then get addicted to it. Every first class seat is filled, yet only 25 percent of the people bought a first class ticket. I've seen grown men throw a toddler fit because they didn't get an upgrade. Bitch pay for it; problem solved. It's a fucked up industry.
  23. I like all the videos of people asking what are you going to do when it happens? Are you going to work the next day or will you be too hungover.
  24. We have the satellite data; we just don't share it because our president is a Russian asset. Unbelievable what the party of Reagan has become. It pleases me Trump will leave this planet like Reagan...shitting his pants and never remembering he was president. We're already halfway there.
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