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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. I'm in a glass case of emotion over these injuries. That stupid cute goddamn play
  2. It's amazing. He's still learning how to be a head coach and not OC. Difference between him and Kirby
  4. This is the new nfl Right back to commercials
  5. Aging like I thought
  6. Ready to go back to a 4 team playoff.
  7. Officially the shortest day and longest night of the year you flat earther
  8. They are not playing again until 2091 after this shit.
  9. Jimbo loved that punt.
  10. Me too. Expect some snooze fests.
  11. Expect more of this. What if I told you 12 teams is too many. Expansion wasn't about the best 12, but giving G5 and lesser teams a chance. What do the Texas Techs and aggys of the world tell themselves every September 1st? I don't think there's 12 worthy teams most years.
  12. TNT and MAX going against the nfl. Nobody is going to be watching except us hardcores. Just win baby.
  13. Morons all around
  14. Quinn needs to extend plays like that
  15. What are these morons talking about. That's a catch in everyone's backyard
  16. This is the fastest half of the season
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