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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Craft beer fart sniffers unite. Y'all don't have to burn your diplomas after all. Don't tell them how the sausage is made during football season.
  2. He won't be charged; he'll win a title elsewhere, but at least the Austin craft beer fart sniffers can hold their heads high. Nobody outside the Austin bubble gives a shit. But... but what if students in Lubbock make mean game signs? I've never seen so many adults care about what other people think. Do the craft beer fart sniffers care that many of our student athletes are students in name only? This university needs to decide what type of AD it wants that's already loosely associated with the academic mission of the school. I thought moving to SEC gave us an indication. Ultimately, it's just basketball dude. Win more fucking football games.
  3. If he's in front of you, he's walking you, not the other way around. Put a pinch collar on and correct that shit. Who's the alpha here?
  4. College educated people don't do Joe Rogan. Gig em I guess. I'll bow out of the thread.
  5. I don't watch enough nfl to know...do they have to finish this to decide AFC seedings?
  6. Should older gen x know who the fuck this is?
  7. I like the way it's shaped.
  8. Dude's camera lens costs more than Derka's car. That thing is legit.
  9. Imagine having some of the worst takes on the football board.
  10. Regional partners typically have outsourced ground services at non hubs. High turnover and less than enthusiastic employees can lead to an accident, yet we had a 20 + year employee at Continental Express walk into a spinning prop in the mid 90s.
  11. I could handle it better if we'd win all the football games.
  12. Well, when they lose Monday, they'll have no banners to hang and nobody will remember who was in the bracket 3 years from now.
  13. I don't single engine taxi because i don't give a fuck about saving fuel. They can take it out of my pension. Oh wait, they stole that already.
  14. That Duggan kid is impressive. It would suck if he got knocked out on like the 5th fucking play and God curses tcu for 13 years. That would suck.
  15. I'm sure he just walked in front and got pulled by the column of air and lost his balance. Twenty some years ago at El Paso a Continental mechanic was sucked through an engine during a 70 percent runup test at the gate for all the world to see. There was almost no identifiable parts left. We don't run an engine above idle at a gate anymore.
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