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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DigglerontheHoof

  1. UNL has been fucked completely for over 15 years. Rhule doesn't seem to have the ability to unfuck it.
  2. I have enough hate for all those rotten motherfuckers.
  3. The best looking CT I've ever seen.
  4. https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/the-revolutionary-war/washingtons-revolutionary-war-battles/the-trenton-princeton-campaign/10-facts-about-washingtons-crossing-of-the-delaware-river Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas; Houston can weather a thunderstorm.
  5. Well, if he hates Trump, he's not all bad.
  6. Between the abortion issue, old women breaking for Harris and Puerto Rico-gate, I think Florida is in play.
  7. So now maga's gonna come out violently opposed to nuclear power plants?
  8. LMK when they figure out how to light up and crank-melt Mars' core, so the colonizers don't fry in the Sun's radiation.
  9. True. It's like Ohio got lost and wandered away from the South.
  10. I can't believe that W-E-W story is damn near 20 years old.
  11. Fun huh? This is the genius who will be making the draft decisions.
  12. Are we gonna just pretend vodka doesn't exist?
  13. Unsweet is the only way I'll drink iced tea. Sweet ice tea is disgusting.
  14. Florida might have a buncher's chance to flip but, Texas is a bridge too far, imo. I do give Allred a shot to beat Cat Piss, though.
  15. I imagine stupidity was the leading cause. SEC!SEC!SEC!
  16. A friend smoked a pork butt yesterday and had about 10-12 people over. All of us lifelong Cowboy fans in our 50s. As the Cowboys started to lose again, there was complete apathy interrupted only by laughter at the Cowboys.
  17. These morons, men and women, need to start getting punched in the fucking face. It's what they deserve and the only thing they understand.
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