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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DigglerontheHoof

  1. At least he wasn't sucking cock to get meth, like one of your allies on this board did.
  2. Elmo and Dotard are having sleepovers and tweeting from their cool pillow fort while Jr. brings them hamberders and crank.
  3. If that rancid cunt shows up in Ann Arbor, there will be hell to pay.
  4. Man, the new NFL kickoff sucks donkey balls.
  5. Not just any kid, one who has been singled out as a possible spree shooter. I mean Jesus tittyfucking Christ. The father should be eligible for the death penalty. And I'm against the death penalty.
  6. That's the first reason I've heard that makes sense.
  7. Send this cocksucker to prison.
  8. I don’t understand the concept of not being allowed to make a prediction if you’re calling the game.
  9. The same way they think Texas has the easiest SEC schedule ever but doesn't stand a chance b/c of the SEC grind. They're myopic morons.
  10. Give me 5 minutes in a ring with that piece of shit....please.
  11. Cowboys might as well be 1,000,000 to 1. At least those are my odds for them.
  12. One of my best friends has the same mayo loathing. I'm not a huge fan but it has its place (I do like it on BLTs). But that place is not on burgers or mayo and peanut butter sandwiches (WTAF?)
  13. This. It's time to start playing for keeps.
  14. Imagine making $20K/year and voting for Trump. I guess there's a good reason they're making that little money. Fucking morons.
  15. The crazy thing is, since he transferred to GT he looks like a normal college student. Being an aggy must be a terrible burden to bear.
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