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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DigglerontheHoof

  1. This. I've moved lock, stock and two smoking barrels back to The Ledge. We're done as a democracy.
  2. Pretty sure it had to be oriented E/W b/c of existing underground infrastructure that would prevent the underground anchoring that the stadium required.
  3. After 4 years, the maga cocksucker from Houston and the broke-ass maga corner beggar from Portland showed back up. Fucking pussies.
  4. I hope his last days are as miserable a they can be....for a multi-billionaire.
  5. Shoulda said, "oh, so you know".
  6. Not when 45% of the electorate is as dumb or dumber than he is.
  7. That Death Valley was a fucking ghost town 5 minutes into the 4th quarter.
  8. The SEC mid-November cupcake games are weak-ass shit and need to go away.
  9. They're going to learn first hand what it means. FAFO
  10. This administration is going to be an absolute evil clown show. JFC
  11. and wrap it all up in a WWF style of Idiocracy. That's the only thing our moronic electorate "gets".
  12. I'm sure Johnny Sack will invite him to play golf at his country club....as long as he doesn't mind caddying.
  13. They don't care who you support, they care about what color you are. If you're dark, you're not one of them. You may think you are, but that's not the truth.
  14. You're a Russian-loving cunt. Keep showing us how good Christians are, you fucking piece of shit.
  15. A German colleague told me a joke this morning. What borders on stupidity? Mexico and Canada
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