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Everything posted by 936horn

  1. All I know is the first thing I'd recommend new option traders do is sell options. In all seriousness though, I appreciate this thread. Over the last couple years I have played more options to great success and great loss as well. Keeps it interesting for sure.
  2. What happens when GameStop offers more shares to the market?
  3. Oh yeah almost forgot 🚀🚀🚀🚀
  4. Ok you convinced me I’m all in holding over the weekend baby fuck it Steve Cohen and Gabe Plotkin can pry these shares from my cold dead hands
  5. With all the fuckery that has already occurred and potential more on the horizon I am quite puckered at the thought of holding over the weekend. I know, I am a pussy
  6. RH and other brokers saying they'll allow trading tomorrow (now that they let their hedge fund buddies cover their positions at more reasonable prices). It's about to touch 300 AH and I am right back in it. Tomorrow is gonna be absolutely wild. No doubt the institutional guys will be on the long side now as well. I expect them to ride it up then drive it right back down and profit on both sides. Will have to be careful to not get caught holding the bag tomorrow.
  7. Exactly what I am doing now. Going to swing trade whatever I can until merrill locks me out again I guess.
  8. I would imagine he got margin called since every broker doubled (or more) the margin reqs for GME and a few others. They for sure dicked him by covering at the very bottom.
  9. Merrill is letting me buy in AH. Fuck em tossing a few K back on it.
  10. Who knows if it's real but if it is buckle up buckaroos https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassActionRobinHood/comments/l723kf/robinhood_insider_information/
  11. Do you believe disallowing buy orders from retail to prevent further price run up is legal?
  12. They absolutely understand, they are trying to steer the narrative a certain way.
  13. It's not, but nothing will come of it from a legal standpoint besides nominal penalties
  14. Or since nobody can buy they will just time their attacks at close today and tomorrow to kill the gamma squeeze and in turn the short squeeze Absolutely. Price creeping up now but I am waiting for the power hour dump
  15. I have no doubt the action we are seeing now was a shorts driving down to $100 then the same funds buying to cover and driving the price back up. I agree that retail will be caught with both the short and long bags here. Basically every retail brokerage is still restricting new buy orders on GME
  16. Not just rich. Plenty of people on this board are rich. None of us are in the club that you are referencing though. This is the Gabe Plotkin, $300mm bonus LAST YEAR level guys.
  17. As soon as I saw Merrill's notice I cashed out. I am so mad, I truly believe in the squeeze and had a not insignificant position. I still made out nicely at $350 per or whatever, but this is blatant market manipulation. And the worst part is NOTHING will happen. Melvin, Citadel, Point72, they all win. Again.
  18. I honestly believe all this fuckery by the funds/RH has galvanized the longs. GME is literally about to rocket past 500. They done fucked up
  19. Why? Other funds have incentive to go long and crush at least one competing fund. Why help bail them out now?
  20. Totally agree but I can also sadly see it happening. Same as it ever was.
  21. He has posted consistently about GME since Sep 2019. He was laughed off the boards for a year +. To save you the scrolling, he has been long since 2019. He had some Jan Calls that went bank obviously, but he has been balls deep long since $3 or whatever. The Jan calls hit so perfectly on the price run up that's legit why I say he's a time traveler. His calls expired last Friday during the first big run up for the stock. https://www.reddit.com/user/DeepFuckingValue/
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