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Everything posted by 936horn

  1. I still find it simultaneously fascinating and terrifying that in the age of modern technology a 777 could just disappear like that.
  2. Should have been more clear - I mean less fed involvement in just about anything besides matters of national importance like trade, defense, etc. Basically, 9.9 times out of 10 either private citizens or corporations can do x, y, or z better, cheaper, and more efficiently than the government
  3. I'd call myself fiscally conservative with libertarian leanings for sure. Basically quit fucking spending so much money, get a balanced budget going, keep government out of as many things as humanly possible would be my conservative angle. Socially, I don't care if you are gay, lesbian, LGBTQBBQ or whatever. Gays getting married doesn't make one shit to me. You're a guy who was born a girl but is now a dude who likes men? I may not fully understand it but that's cool. I mostly just don't like people telling me how to feel or forcing their beliefs on me, but I'm pretty good with people doing what they want on the social front.
  4. 936horn


    Go take your meds and calm down dude.
  5. 936horn


    Exactly. Nothing we do will fix the ME. Nothing. This shit has been going on for literally thousands of years. It has to be solved by the ME countries (not likely) and it sure as shit isn't ever going to be solved by westerners.
  6. 936horn


    Might be unrelated in fairness, Israel recently conducted airstrikes on targets in Syria http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44046049
  7. Some hedge fund out there was like "wait wait send out a new statement, we didn't liquidate our position yet!!!"
  8. I would agree. Not necessary but makes it a hell of a lot easier. Don't we have about 20 concurrent threads going right now about how whites/asians/green people are holding down blacks/hispanics/purple people? Is that suddenly going to go away when we decide to implement socialism?
  9. Low effort per usual. Are you trying to argue that wouldn't be a barrier here in the States? The homogeneity of Scandinavian countries is well documented as a contributing factor of their success. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model
  10. Just a couple posts up I acknowledge the Scandinavian countries. I "literally" mentioned Venezuela after reading a thread in this forum about that exact topic. Use either example you like, but Venezuela is a real life example of socialism in a larger country. I agree, the system works well in tiny countries in Scandinavia, but a country that has just 30mm people (more than all of Scandinavia combined) is struggling under the system. How does it translate to 300MM+?
  11. Thanks, that's well articulated. I agree, if I count Venezuela, I have to count Scandinavia as well amongst socialist states. My main contention is the scale at which those countries have achieved success and that Scandinavian countries and their populations are orders of magnitude smaller than the US. I have trouble seeing how the entitlement programs that have seen so much success there could be translated to a country with 300MM+ people in very diverse (culturally, geographically, etc) settings.
  12. What is it to you? I've already stated that I believe Venezuela is a socialist state.
  13. I didn't mention Trump once. I also didn't vote for him if that matters. My situation, upbringing, etc etc. has made it hard for me to understand people who identify as socialists, so I was just asking for someone to flesh out their thoughts? Why do I need to fuck off? I mentioned Venezuela because like it or not, that is a real world example of a socialist government in a large(ish) nation. Why do you believe it is not a real world example of that?
  14. Fair enough Separately, I am fascinated by the socialist responses so far. Since the Venezuela thread is on my mind from earlier today, I'd be interested to hear why people see real world examples of socialism in government (Venezuela), see it fail and fail spectacularly and think "yes, that is what I want here in the States." Why would it succeed here, where it has failed pretty much everywhere else?
  15. I am a (fiscal) conservative, but would point out that by and large the current GOP does not in any way represent my political beliefs contrary to the bit you have at the bottom of the post.
  16. While I haven't specifically searched like you are, I have noticed the same thing. You have millions of "Bernie Bros" who will tell you, "it's different!!!" but just like communism before it, it might sound good on paper but there are multiple REAL WORLD examples of why socialism is not a viable solution.
  17. Some of you people are truly fucking deranged
  18. Damn they pay people almost $12/hour at a fast food joint??
  19. 90?? It's absolutely 100%. A twosome of women will 90% of the time be slower than a foursome of men. It's a fact. Guys who called the cops should know this and shoulda just played through.
  20. Wife’s half sister is graduating this year from UT so gotta sit through that long ass commencement. On the plus side, graduation season coincides with intern season at work and that’s a strong positive.
  21. Exactly. The times I have been I always try something new...."how can you fuck up a burger/chicken sandwich/fajita/whatever" I say to myself, and every time it's absolute garbage. The best things I have eaten there have been barely passable and then you realize the burger cost you $18 and was on par with an overcooked double with cheese at McD.
  22. According to some dude on reddit that had a linked source (I'm too lazy to find it), COs in South Car get paid like under 30k starting. No way in hell am I risking my life to break up a prison fight when I'm making the equivalent of like 15 bucks per hour.
  23. Number one offender for me is the fucking Oasis. That place has truly terrible terrible food, but it's ALWAYS packed. People love that place and I cannot figure it out. Sure it has a nice view on a good day but the food is overpriced garbage. Even if they gave it away it would still be ass. Trudy's has a couple OK options on the menu, but we always went for the Mexican martinis anyway. I'll toss one out that I believe may not be around anymore - Mellow Mushroom. That place sucked ass but for whatever reason everyone loved it. I guess because it was convenient to west campus maybe. Agree with several others including El Arroyo and County Line.
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