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Everything posted by 936horn

  1. Reed needs to choke on a big dick here
  2. I keep thinking this. He needs to start choking now
  3. TI down almost 3% after Russia hits an 11-mo high on production (over quota) and rumors Saudi is going to cut prices on the crude it exports to Asia https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-oil/oil-falls-2-percent-on-russia-output-rise-potential-saudi-price-cut-idUSKCN1H9020
  4. EIA out Crude +1.64mm (+850k exp) Cush +1.804mm (+1mm exp) Gas -3.47mm Distillates -2.09mm
  5. Just wipe your ass better??
  6. Can you fuckers quit posting nipples and shit outside of NSAA/threads marked NSFW?
  7. I used to play the shit outta CSGO. I got a bit burned out but wouldn't mind playing with some Surlsters(?). Last time I had a MM rank I was SMFC pushing for global but there were too many cheaters so I moved permanently to ESEA and FACEIT. Played several seasons of ESEA Open and Main division. It'd be fun if we could find 5 to play. I've always enjoyed playing with a full team rather than random idiots.
  8. I'd tune in every week for a blacklab segment
  10. Is the online stream not dumped like the radio version lol? They left assholes in there
  11. Seriously. Are all talk radio shows like this? I haven't listened to talk radio in years
  12. This guy about the home invasion is amazing. I was like Anne...uh...Hathaway hiding in the attic
  13. This shindig starting at noon on the dot? Don't want to miss any of it.
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