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Everything posted by 936horn

  1. We will forever wander the wilderness. I’m convinced. We are undoubtedly cursed.
  2. Fuck it I’m in. I was there that night in Jan 2010 and this feels like the crossroads for us. Redemption.
  3. Dude’s malpratice insurance underwriter probably had an aneurysm when he heard about that.
  4. 936horn

    One Wheel

    My kids have one and every time I try to use it I almost break an ankle/leg/arm/neck. Meanwhile the kids ride circles around ole dad.
  5. Probably not enough for Joe Bob to have $2500/mo in car notes
  6. Since I can’t edit - the wildest one is the receptionist looking lady driving the grand wag series 3. We looked at those for my wife until we realized it’s $110k Stellantis product lol
  7. Not a single one of those is less than 72 month term. That video almost seems like parody it’s so wild.
  8. https://www.porschecoloradosprings.com/vehicle-details/used-1990-porsche-singer-vehicle-design-911-classic-colorado-springs-co-id-48524940 Don’t see a Singer in the wild very often. I was down there the other day and drove by and saw it. Very fucking cool. They also had a 997 3RS 4.0. Also relevant (soon) after a bunch of bullshit back and forth my 911 should land late Oct or early nov
  9. Guy got sloppy once we left the country and once again we prove why we’re the undisputed world champions of exacting long range, precision violence. Apparently the hellfire missiles used eject shrapnel to shred him up rather than traditional explosives to reduce collateral and his family was not injured.
  10. Late to the thread here but moved to Denver in early 20. Live in Castle Pines. Happy to answer questions for all you relocaters. We absolutely love living here but it’s even more expensive than it was two years ago. Schools down here are great if that matters to folks.
  11. It’s performance art at this point.
  12. Should have hiked a lot more a lot faster, but JPOW knows exactly what he's doing. Fucking pumping the markets as much as possible to squeeze as much out as he can. We are a year past the point of a soft landing being possible. And the poorest among us are going to get dunked on, yet again. I honestly have no idea how lower to lower middle class folks are even surviving right now...but meanwhile the Fed will raise 50 bp next week and call it good!
  13. 936horn


    See if they will load you up on propofol for the procedure. I had Versed and can't remember anything before I got home after the procedure then ended up puking my guts out. Propofol is supposed to be better.
  14. I said this to him. He didn’t laugh but I did
  15. Correct. He was offered to swap to non PTS if he wanted in ahead of the 3/17 shutdown but he’s hell bent on getting the spec exactly how he wants it (I don’t blame him) so he’s going to be post 3/17.
  16. Buddy of mine had his gt3 on there. He is not pleased. Obviously he got bumped to the front of the next cycle for production but he has to wait for the next PTS window and he’s already been waiting a year ish. Just absolutely shitty luck. To make it even worse his car got to port at Emden a week before the previous ship left but his car didn’t make it on. What a kick in the nuts
  17. Incredibly capable but damn if that front end isn’t ugly as shit.
  18. One positive - I woke up this morning and felt like my entire sinuses had drained overnight for the first time in forever. My head was clearer than I can ever remember as someone who suffers from almost constant allergies. It was amazing after I hocked all the shit out of my throat
  19. Checking in (I think). Yet to get tested but woke up Sunday with one of the worst stomach pains I’ve had. Wife had body aches. We both had chills. Kids fine so far. About halfway through the day my stomach was better but I got a massive headache that lasted until I woke up this morning. I had a lot of night sweat last night. Woke up this morning feeling about 90% better with just a small headache lingering We are both 2x Pfizer with Moderna boosters so our short duration sounds similar to what others are seeing.
  20. Glorious. Wonder where Caleb is transferring to lmao https://mobile.twitter.com/chrisntrevino/status/1482442685696860160?s=21
  21. I read that same thing at least 5 times. Thought I might have had a stroke or something
  22. Hahahahahahahahahaha get fucked
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