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About BNB

  • Birthday 07/10/1973

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  1. they were talking silver this morning also, but I didn't pay attention. Ehh, I will ride the wave of whatever they are talking about in the morning, hopefully it goes up 5-10% in the day. When I first started following the subreddit they were at 2-3m, now at 8m
  2. Made 8% today just looking at reddit this morning. Hmm we will see.
  3. I put a little bit in BB, NOK this weekend. Put a bit more in AMC. I've never day traded. Always just bought and hold. We will see. I have faith in AMC after reading in the lockdown that AMC is a Chinese company, so I'm hoping they will pump the stock. Hopefully I'm not too late to the party and this will be a longtime movement. I just put my toes in. Made a bit of money on crypto over the weekend. If I make a profit today, I will just use that to play forward, if not oh well.
  4. this thread is shit anyway, so I will use it to disparage my ex BIL... My ex-brother in law Lucian Morehead doesn't pay for his sons 50k/yr college. His ex wife is a teacher. He wants to take their 12 year old son from her. I would not do any business with Asterra Properties in Austin if you need commercial real estate.
  5. I couldn't think of what to give my 100 year old grandma, 70 yr old mom, and 50 yr old sis. Someone recommended Spa stuff. Can anyone recommend something else? I sent emails to a couple of places: Hi, I am trying to find gifts for the women in my life. I am not a rich man. I only have $100 per Lady to spend this Holiday. 100 year old Grandmother, 70 year old mother, 50 year old sister. Can you tell me what you would be able to offer the ladies if I gave you $300? Thank you so much. There are too many spas, am I stupid for trying this? Can anyone recommend one I should try?
  6. BNB

    2020 MLB thread

  7. https://hipandkneeaustin.com/physicians/profile/Shelby-Carter-MD This guy replaced my hip when I was about 35, now 47, still going strong, I was walking unassisted (even though I wasn't supposed to) after a week. I had heard great things and he didn't disappoint. I saw 3, and went with him.
  8. I watched it when it was a Youtube show. Great show, Hopefully they will make a season 2 now.
  10. Trump is the first President since Carter that hasn't started a war, and you all can't stand it. You want a war. Trump is trying to make peace in the middle east and you all want continued wars.
  11. You people are loons, I would bet that the right wouldn't do shit if Biden wins, but if Trump wins, more rioting and destruction.
  12. I don't read this thread, but I read some right wing media sights, I had never heard of Qanon until this thread title, I had to google it. I still don't read this thread or keep up with it. It sounds like some stupid shit, that you all waste your time fantasizing along with the believers over. From what I read, you all are the Z Anon, or whatever of the left, have fun with Russia, and whatever other conspiracy theories you have.
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