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Everything posted by BNB

  1. Ive heard they started that in 2017 after a transcript with Mexico and another were leaked. Not sure if true
  2. I probably watched that 50 times on cable as a kid. Can't believe we aren't tug boating icebergs yet.
  3. BNB

    71st Emmy Awards

    I need to maybe watch : Fleabag Pose? Sharp Objects Fosse/Verdon I haven't seen those. It is sad, 15 comments, I quit watching the emmys a few years ago. Not to cloak it up, but I don't want to hear Celebs lecture me on anything. Down another 20% this year. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/23/business/media/emmy-ratings.html
  4. I think the best solution would be to just stop selling ar type weapons to the public and a voluntary buy back. I don't know how you would ever accomplish a mandatory buy back. You can't have machine guns, just admit we fucked up allowing these type of weapons . I get the "opening the floodgates" to take away other weapons, but I don't think you could ever enforce another bill to take away any other type of weapon.
  5. You would like to label me in a group? That's what you all do, to divide people.
  6. Because I stated that, You think I am one of our idiot Sooner friends?
  7. What are you dealing with? I lean right of center.
  8. Clinton policies of course, also I don't pick my candidate on how they look, or what race, color they are.
  9. I voted for Trump because there was no way I was voting for Corrupt Clinton. I voted for Trump in the Primary because I was tired of politicians and I thought a business person / outsider would either do something great or burn down the government. I may get my wish. I would possibly vote for Yang or Tulsi. Democrats have gone way too far left with all of their policies. I want to hear about my politicians passing bills, daily, weekly. Compromising in the middle, Don't add that pork to a bill. I don't see an impeachment in Dotards future. I see him winning in 2020 due to voters getting fed up on wasting time and resources on politics/impeachment instead of dealing with our real issues. Your calling me names for supporting conservatism hurts your cause. I think people were skittish to vote Donald on his last election, but people may show up even more because of some of the far left candidate policies. Prediction: Re-Election : Yes Impeachment : No
  10. I would also be all for a bigger government discount for installing solar panels (I think there is one now.) I don't know why politicians can't just get together on common sense bills. (No one add shit to it that helps your constituents.)
  11. I like it. I've opened it up at times during the last 2 games. I don't usually follow game threads, b/c too much work refreshing and loading pages and watching the game. I run a discord server for a game and dig it. When I post in discord does it post in the thread?
  12. It just popped up, now I get a tapatalk ad to pay monthly at the bottom, on Oct 1st I'm expecting to get ads I'm not paying $1 a month for it. I briefly researched an alternative, it looks like IPSfocus(I think that is the forum software here) is making a mobile app right now and testing it. https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/6087-white-label-mobile-apps-and-android-app-beta/ I don't like the mobile website, too hard to press the button you want.
  13. I don't know why we aren't just building Nuclear Plants everywhere. It seems like the cheapest, fastest, best solution. Seems like Tesla has caused all the auto makers to start making electric cars. We should probably extend the discounts. I don't like wind, I hear about the problem killing birds. Someone posted on Daily Texan about our bird population problem. If for some reason Nuclear does become a problem down the road, it would seem like we can fix those with AI computers solving the problems. I saw something the other day about a new tech where they can reuse nuke waste back in the plants. I think both sides are warming up to nuke power, I think I read Corey, Yang, and Warren(?) are good with it.
  14. I think its funny when I hear one side calling out another side for the same thing their side does.
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/us/making-a-murderer-wisconsin-inmate-confession
  16. I knew I would get that response for posting a breitbart article. I think most conservatives agree we need to continue to cut our emissions, but not to where it is going to ruin our economy. If we only have 15 years or whatever before we all die, and we were to cut all our emissions, while other countries continue to rise, all for not? Climate activists should be all in favor of the trade war with China. It has hurt their growth. Can anyone show me something better than this USA Today article, that just compares 1992 to today? Anyone have a recent year to year increase/decrease chart of countries. I want to know if we are 0% emissions, what does the outlook look like for other countries? https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/07/14/china-us-countries-that-produce-the-most-co-2-emissions/39548763/ What has to be done around the world in these other countries to keep from offsetting progress we make?
  17. Activists spanning over 150 countries participated in the global climate strike Friday, but activists in China — the world’s leading greenhouse gas emitter — were noticeably silent as protests were not authorized in the country, according to reports. Thousands gathered in cities across the globe — including London, Berlin, Tokyo, and Washington, DC — to protest anthropogenic climate change and the purported lack of urgency to address it. However, there was a remarkable lack of participation from individuals in China — the planet’s worst greenhouse gas emitter — minus a protest in Hong Kong. According to the Guardian, “No protests were authorized in China.” However, the China Youth Climate Action Network’s Zheng Xiaowen said that Chinese youth “have their own methods.” “We also pay attention to the climate and we are also thinking deeply, interacting, taking action, and so many people are very conscientious on this issue,” she added. Several climate change activists in D.C. decried the U.S. for its role in contributing to climate change despite the fact that the U.S. has made great strides in reducing its carbon output, seeing the “largest decline in CO2 emissions in the world for 9th time this century” in 2017. The largest increase that year came from China. According to a report released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last year, the U.S. reduced its greenhouse gas output by 2.7 percent during President Trump’s first year in office. “Thanks to President Trump’s regulatory reform agenda, the economy is booming, energy production is surging, and we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions from major industrial sources,” EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler said at the time. “These achievements flow largely from technological breakthroughs in the private sector, not the heavy hand of government. The Trump Administration has proven that federal regulations are not necessary to drive CO2 reductions,” Wheeler continued. “While many around the world are talking about reducing greenhouse gases, the U.S. continues to deliver, and today’s report is further evidence of our action-oriented approach,” he added. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) reiterated that point to Greta Thunberg and the other climate kids who testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis on Wednesday. “Meanwhile, as the West looks at options to combat climate change, we all know that China’s global emissions continue to rise. For every ton of carbon dioxide reduced by the United States, China adds nearly four times as much,” Kinzinger said. “Today the Chinese account for 30 percent of global emissions. While some may say that the United States needs to be the leader of combating climate change, I would say that we already are,” he continued. “Since 2005 global emissions have increased by 20 percent, but the United States emissions have decreased by more than the next 12 emission-reducing countries combined,” he added. As Breitbart News reported, China is ramping up its coal-powered energy supply “with the total of future projects now standing at 226.2 gigawatts (GW)”: That is more than twice the amount of fresh capacity planned for India, according to data published Thursday by environmental groups. … With nearly 1,000 GW in operation, China accounts for about half the word’s coal-fired power, with the United States (259 GW) and India (221 GW) a distant second and third, according to the Global Coal Plant Tracker. Despite China’s blatant disregard for the calls of climate change alarmists, it has been granted permission to speak at the U.N. international climate summit next week in New York. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/21/worlds-leading-greenhouse-gas-emitter-china-taps-out-of-global-climate-strike/ Why don't we hear a lot of talk about China. If this is true in 10 years they will ADD more coal plants than we will have. What do we do about China, India, and all the other developing countries that will counter any reduction in co2 we do?
  18. Thats the last season I watched, so I guess I haven't missed out.
  19. Thats cool that he carries tip money around.
  20. but the idea of semi-privatizing the USDA’s meat inspection dates to former President Bill Clinton, who launched pilot programs for both chicken and pork plants. President Barack Obama was an enthusiast
  21. Is this about Ramirez? Do they have anything besides someone saying they heard that it happened?
  22. BNB

    The Son

    I remember liking the first season. Havent watched the second yet.
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