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Everything posted by BNB

  1. Why? I have an NVIDIA Shield, and was wondering the benefits, Thanks.
  2. my only suggestion would be to try to buy a new wifi usb stick for 10 or 20 dollars and test it, buy it from someplace you can take it back to easily.
  3. Love the hypocrisy, If one of Trumps boys had possible emails like this, everyone would be calling for an investigation, and asking why the media isn't reporting on it and what the government was going to investigate it. Another impeachment trial would be coming. It almost feels like we are in the early times of the CCP, state media and free speech censorship. I miss investigative journalism.
  4. Police Quest, Space Quests, Kings Quest, I got all of them off the BBS back in the day... Leisure Suit Larry... There was the verification, I would yell out the questions to my parents downstairs and they would tell me. Lol. They had no Idea what I was doing, but you there were like 5 questions you had to answer to start playing that were about things a kid wouldn't know.
  5. BNB

    Bill Burr

  6. Preach Brother, I played every Lucas Arts and Sierra game in the 80's, early 90's, good times.
  7. I'm going to cut off my 12" beard after 2 years, I'm bald, so I got thinking about hair... It reminded me of this great documentary. I saw it's free on Youtube. I recommend watching it at least once, It is great entertainment and very informative. It's crazy what women will do for "Good Hair".
  8. I'm with you, it would seem like in this day and age when a wifi chip and blutooth chip are maybe a dollar, or so, they can't just throw them on there.
  9. I don't follow the console wars much anymore, but I heard the XBOX Game Pass is getting the EA Pass. That's pretty cool. I signed up for the Ultimate Pass like 2 years ago for cheap, I should have gone the max 4 years. I don't game that much, so I like having the option of all those titles to check out, and maybe buy a blockbuster here and there. I wonder what the pricing will be? How much is it now? I like the cloud gaming also. Hopefully more games will go cross-platform so people don't have to choose a system based on a title and what their friends play on. I'm thinking about just getting a better PC video card, and VR headset, the new oculus is cheap, I'm surprised this generation Consoles didn't push into that area more (so far). I had been waiting for Star Citizen since I heard about it, The new Star Wars Squadron or whatever looks cool, throw back to the only Tie figher days in the early 90's
  10. Damn, that's one of my favorite shows. If you are not into it the first season, then I guess I wouldn't bother.
  11. Yeah, netflix needs to get rid of that teaser, and offer trailers and cast, etc like Amazon.
  12. Amazon is probably licking their chops at all the cheap real estate along highways to snatch up for warehouses.
  13. That's a new one to me. What is blacking it up?
  14. Great job, you have to censor people for their own good. You should start stealing their money also, so they don`t donate it to things you don`t approve of.
  15. I celebrate pickled anything. This place makes the best pickled stuff I've found, I found them in Fredericksburg a long time ago, and at farmers markets in Austin. I love pickled carrots most, but rotate between okra, pickles, green beans, for a texture change. Looks like they offer free shipping over 40. I make mine every now and then, want to try fermenting.
  16. https://twitter.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1309022444410359811?s=20
  17. "Kill All Cops And Their Family" In that NYTIMES articled I linked yesterday, There was also this quote in there: I googled those titles, They come from An Anarchists Library. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/narcissa-black-kcbg-and-annonymous-others-i-want-to-kill-cops-until-i-m-dead
  18. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0272839/ This was a good movie on Shackleton with Kenneth Branagh, when I was searching for it on Google, I saw Tom Hardy is supposedly doing a movie on him soon also.
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/21/us/black-lives-matter-protests-tactics.html Wow, we are now to the point of, "take down your American Flag or we will burn your house down."
  20. I had not heard "aired out" before. Reminded me of "he's LEAKING"
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