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Everything posted by BNB

  1. I was just thinking, about battery life on phones, after my rant. I'm surprised a phone maker hasn't come out with a, in this case 4th phone, that is maybe tech of a Iphone 7 pretty much or whatever, with the latest chips for battery saving and the latest battery tech, and sell that model. Could it maybe last up to twice as long without the latest greatest screen, etc? That would be interesting...Throw new tech and low tech together to make the longest lasting smartphone. Sort of Like a watch I thought about getting. It has a E-ink or something overlay above the oled or whatever screen, and you can always see the time, and that may last you a week or 2, unless you start using other functions on demand.
  2. Yeah, It seems like we have reached the point of if you want the latest greatest tech, you are buying a Mercedes that has the newest ABS technology, or Volvo with the lane assist and adaptive cruise control. They rich can afford the latest tech, but in a few years it will be available to everyone at a lower price. I don't know if that analogy is great (and thinking about it, it has been going on for quite a few years.). But, the older Iphones still are great. People will just be holding on to their phones longer and only upgrading one generation every two years instead of two generations. I have had an android for years, b/c I felt Iphone charged a premium for the tech, but Android caught up and now Samsung comes out with the "cool" new tech and the phones are now $1k plus also. There have been rumors of a folding full screen phone for years, and it may or may not happen next year, but the phones will be $1.5k I am assuming. It's good for consumers. The more people that but these latest phones, it makes the tech cheaper down the road. 90% of the people out there(probably 98%) don't need the the latest greatest. It comes down to how long will Apple or other companies provide the latest IOS or Android updates on the old phones. I think that becomes a major deciding factor going forward, how long does a company continue to support older HW. For me now, and I think most people. It is mainly about battery life(better batteries, or chips that require less "juice" , and longevity of the phone (better ability to not have the screen break from a drop, or be submerged). Camera is always a plus for me. They will never replace a true camera with a telephoto lens, but they keep keep getting better and better at night shots which is great.) So for me it seems like the Cameras are pretty good. The Watch tech seems cool, but it seems like at least the falling thing would be easy to do without too much hw tech and just sw. The watch detects a sudden fall (Isnt that they Gyro tech already, but more advanced maybe), then have the sw auto call someone with a sos message. That would be great for my 98 yr old grandma, but the battery would prevent that and she hated wearing the life alert thing. Anyways, so as a tech geek it is always disappointing when nothing breakthrough comes out.
  3. I met him once. I was working at Circuit City at the time, and he drew a Beavis head for me. They filmed a scene with them picking out a big screen. I was a big fan of Ghetto Boys before then, they became bigger after that. I used "the O face" line and multiple others in the past.
  4. I don't disagree with people calling him a genius, some of the stuff he comes up with.
  5. Yeah I remember that from my first watch now. I remember being like wtf, that was some crazy shit.
  6. For those that don't know Mitch...
  7. Will not watch. I watched half the last season. I overloaded on Marvel. I started out watching Shield, quit. I haven't watched the latest Luke Cage. Too much to keep up with. I will keep watching Daredevil, as I collected the comics as a kid. I had #6. (They were stolen at some point, but I had a great Dare Devil collection from the60's on....)
  8. I drink bourbon and waters, so you have to....
  9. Yeah. Tip them up front.a 20 Then if ur going to hang around put it on a card.
  10. I just started watching again also. I'm a few episodes in.
  11. I watched The Last Kingdom again. I liked it so much, I started reading/audiobooks of the next in the series. The Burning Land. Also, I have checked out at the Austin public library, Cibola Burn. another great searies.
  12. BNB


    I finally got around to watching this. I am on episode 4 now. It is a great show. FX always makes great shows. I'm not sure why I put it off.
  13. BNB


    JC and Brett need to make a move this week, or they are going to be on the outside. I'm a fan of Tyler, but they better get moving. Derek made a great case of getting out Caycee. I think that is valid, especially after the last results. I am assuming the puts up Hay and Sam. She needs to think about her game. She is in a top 3 with Tyler and Angela, but she has to be thinking she is on the outside of those. Those two, have fucked up their not showmance.
  14. I can't wait. He is my current favorite comedian It was Louis CK, and Mitch Helberg in the past. This month he has a new show. I attribute him to getting me to watch youtube instead of tv. My love for him started with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F6dXcW-_Fc&t=58s What Other Comedians Think of Norm: There are tons of Youtube videos. What are your favorites? Not really Norm, but Super Dave and Norm are friends, This just cracked me up.
  15. I tried to watch "Space Mutiny", but I gave up. It is just not my cup of tea, watching a terrible movie and commenting on it. I suppose my friends and I do a decent job. Since researching, I may run some of the https://www.rifftrax.com/catalog/product-type/jokes Some current movies I think are stupid. I only made it through Space Mutiny for 15 minutes. I didn't laugh.
  16. He made me be in love with Sally Fields at the time.
  17. On that note. I'm hoping with people using their devices as cable boxes, the streaming devices will soon start adding more buttons to the remote. Stupid how they have so few. My Shield TV is terrible with two buttons and the circle. Or hopefully the TV services will support it if u have a Logitech remote? Does anyone have one hooked up? It would be nice to have like a guide button, etc.
  18. Yeah I assume because it's in the cloud it doesn't show you real time ffwding. I hit the 15 second button 7-9 times and that usually takes me through a commercial.
  19. Ugh crushing way to start the season.
  20. Good start to the drive. Go Horns!
  21. Took a nap woke up to some good D. Let's go Horns!
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