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Everything posted by BNB

  1. I feel like I created a Car enthusiast. I gave my nephew lots of Car Magazine Subscriptions when he was growing up. He was a Valet in HS, and purchase a nice $30k Lexus coupe when he graduated. He is just started school for Journalism in North Carolina at A real good school, Elon and wants to be a Car Journalist. He is already a member of a car club there. His little brother said they went 150mph one time. Ugh. I still remember trying to teach him to drive in a Tahoe and almost getting sideswiped pulling out. I follow Stradman, DDE, Hoovies Garage, Doug Demero on Youtube. Crazy Stradman just got a Buggati after just a few years of youtubing. I'm doing it wrong.
  2. Texas 70, UTEP 3
  3. It seems like the riots have quelled since The State Police were deputized by the Feds to start charging people since the Portland DA just lets them back out on the street. That should be good for the Protesters to protest in peace and not have their message lost. Everyone is probably moving to DC though. I've heard they are going to do a big protest there until the election.
  4. I heard this is free on the Xbox Game Ultimate thing I bought for cheap a year ago. I need to check it out just to fly around Austin. I did that once, a pilot friend was delivering planes at the time. He let me do a touch and go, and fly around Austin, it was fun. I said, you went to school for this, lol. You just line up the lights. He fucked chicks at many stops and flight attendants and makes bank as a captain at SW, after getting kicked out of LeTounau University for partying to hard. I should have followed suit. My dad told the family he was going to make me a man when I turned 18, my mom and sis thought that meant getting me a whore, but he gave me a flight lesson, lol.
  5. I played quite a bit 25 years ago, I may have to purchase it for the nostalgia.
  6. BNB

    Rise of Kingdoms

    We just won are Kingdom vs Kingdom again, this was a cool vid one of our members made. I was disappointed the main fight was only like an hour or so after 4 months of waiting, we destroyed them.
  7. Elite Squad 1 and 2 are great as well.
  8. Why do 32% of Latinos support him also? What is wrong with those people?
  9. Trump had 6% of the Black vote in 2016, now he may have 20-30 percent in this election. Why is that?
  10. Crazy Uncle Tom was trending on Twitter after the RNC. The Democrats are the true racists.
  11. I've been enjoying this guys videos...
  12. I'm seeing a trend in a lot of these deaths. I'm not saying it's right, and I hope justice prevails. Maybe a PSA should be sent out... If you want to live, don't fight with people with guns and resist arrest. I thought those were pretty common knowledge, but I guess not.
  13. Didnt the cop tell him to get back in the vehicle?
  14. I've been reading about Floods, Tornados, Snow, Hail, Typhoons, Eathguakes, Lighting, in China. If one were into conspiracies, you would think the US activated the HAARP program and is controlling the weather.
  15. I'm really thinking about getting a 4a, I had a Samsung 8+, it broke, so I bought a used 8 for 100, I think I can get $87 trading in my 8+, and $35 credit for having Google one. Makes it around 250. Then sell my 8, but I like my Gear VR for porn
  16. BNB

    Modern Warfare

    I enjoy watching StoneMountain64, especially his YOLO videos... I mostly play CoD Mobile on Gameloop on my PC, I suck at regular COD, I can't see anyone, I'm old CoD Mobile just came out with the Gunsmith.
  17. BNB

    Rise of Kingdoms

    So, I'm still playing this game almost 2 years later. It is a really fun game if you like strategy. You start out joining an alliance, building your city and commanders and fighting together to take on other alliances. The chat is really active talking with people from all over the world, and setting up a discord channel... At a certain phase, you fight as one Kingdom against other kingdoms every few months. There also a biweekly event, 30 vs 30, where you have small wars with random other alliances from other kingdoms. I spend about $50 a month, and I am usually in the top 30 power in our kingdom. I've heard it is a pretty well balanced game for F2P vs P2W. This is one of the Bi Weekly events for rewards, We are one of the top teams, and organize on discord. This is some of the Kingdom Vs Kingdom that happens about every 3 months. K Vs K you actually lose troops you have spent months making, so participation of your 150 person alliance and 500+ kingdom players make a huge factor. I recommend checking it out.
  18. Need some help. I'm trying to get my mom set back up. She has some ProControl remotes https://procontrol.com/, 1 for the bedroom and 1 for the living room. Only a dealer can order and program them, and she can't ever get him to contact her in Austin. They are remotes that the home theater guy setup after she remodeled her place, and he constantly has issues with them. I got her to buy a Harmony Elite today, and I spent 3hrs trying to get it to work this afternoon. The Hub recognized her Samsung TV and Denon receiver right away. So I assume it found them on the WIFI network. I put the hub in the laundry room next to all her equip( room behind the living room wall that the tv sits on), and put the ir repeater next to the ATT Uverse box. The Denon receiver and the cable box work, but I can't get it to control the Samsung TV. Is it trying to control the Samsung TV through WIFI? I get up close with the remote to the TV, and I see the remote has an IR sensor on the front I think, and nothing. I'm going to try and call Logitech in the morning, I also can't get the favorites I choose to show up on the remote, and don't see an option to add new favorites after the initial setup. ____ I noticed ATT UVERSE is no longer, it is now called ATT TV with new boxes and cloud DVR. I saw her bill is 260 a month, 160 just for TV. She has 2 boxes (The DVR and a wireless box that sits in that laundry room). I'm going to try to get her to change to ATT TV, or ATT TV NOW, Youtube TV, Hulu TV, etc, I think she would enjoy being able to watch on her IPAD when she travels. Can You watch all TV channels and dvr now with ATT TV on your ipad away from home? Does anyone know what type of transmitter the ATT TV remotes use for their boxes? are they wifi? I was going to maybe call them in the morning also. Does ATT TV NOW use a box? What's the difference? I'm having her go through https://www.att.com/channels/att-tv/ to see what channels she watches. I assume she can only use Favorites Channels on the Harmony remote just for ATT TV? or have they added channel numbers or whatever to some streaming services? Thanks for the replies, I am going to cross post. Edit - Why don't they have a microphone/voice on these expensive universal remotes?
  19. Need some help. I'm trying to get my mom set back up. She has some ProControl remotes https://procontrol.com/, 1 for the bedroom and 1 for the living room. Only a dealer can order and program them, and she can't ever get him to contact her in Austin. They are remotes that the home theater guy setup after she remodeled her place, and he constantly has issues with them. I got her to buy a Harmony Elite today, and I spent 3hrs trying to get it to work this afternoon. The Hub recognized her Samsung TV and Denon receiver right away. So I assume it found them on the WIFI network. I put the hub in the laundry room next to all her equip( room behind the living room wall that the tv sits on), and put the ir repeater next to the ATT Uverse box. The Denon receiver and the cable box work, but I can't get it to control the Samsung TV. Is it trying to control it through WIFI? I get up close with the remote to the TV, and I see the remote has an IR sensor on the front I think, and nothing. I'm going to try and call Logitech in the morning, I also can't get the favorites I choose to show up on the remote, and don't see an option to add new favorites after the initial setup. ____ I noticed ATT UVERSE is no longer, it is now called ATT TV with new boxes and cloud DVR. I saw her bill is 260 a month, 160 just for TV. She has 2 boxes (The DVR and a wireless box that sits in that laundry room). I'm going to try to get her to change to ATT TV, or ATT TV NOW, Youtube TV, Hulu TV, etc, I think she would enjoy being able to watch on her IPAD when she travels. Does anyone know what type of transmitter the ATT TV remotes use for their boxes? are they wifi? I was going to maybe call them in the morning also. Does ATT TV NOW use a box? What's the difference? I'm having her go through https://www.att.com/channels/att-tv/ to see what channels she watches. I assume she can only use Favorites Channels on the Harmony remote just for ATT TV? or have they added channel numbers or whatever to some streaming services? Thanks for the replies, I am going to cross post. Edit - Why don't they have a microphone/voice on these expensive universal remotes?
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