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Everything posted by BNB

  1. Ok, thanks. I like Dan Stephens, and will get around to catching up.
  2. BNB


    I'm a fan Giamatti and Lewis are great.
  3. I remember that one. It made me watch how it is done. I'm thinking of getting the kit for 40 bucks, but 40 bucks, but it is very cool.
  4. grew tired quick of Arrow and The Flash. I watched a couple of seasons of Gothem. This has gotten good reviews. I like all the Marvel shows on Netflix sans The Fist. I guess I should try this. I watched the first two episodes when it came out and I was lost...
  5. German The Lives of Others https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405094/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 French: The Untouchables: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1675434/?ref_=tt_rec_tti
  6. It's blinding me though. How do I turn on dark mode on the PC? Thanks,
  7. Damn. Good on you.
  8. Very Nice. Starting to shape up around here.
  9. Damn on sale $250. 10%er sale.
  10. S. Korean great films. They are all a lot of vengence movies. S. Korea does them well for some reason. Oldeuboi (2003) - IMDb www.imdb.com/title/tt0364569 Memories of Murder (2003) - IMDb www.imdb.com/title/tt0353969/ The Man from Nowhere (2010) - IMDb www.imdb.com/title/tt1527788/ I Saw the Devil (2010) - IMDb www.imdb.com/title/tt1588170/ The Chaser (2008) - IMDb www.imdb.com/title/tt1190539/ Lady Vengeance (2005) - IMDb www.imdb.com/title/tt0451094/ Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002) - IMDb www.imdb.com/title/tt0310775/
  11. I suppose I have been partial to Brazilian or South Korean films.... City Of God https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317248/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 Elite Squad I and II https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0861739/?ref_=nv_sr_1 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1555149/?ref_=nv_sr_2 Those are my favorite Brazilian films.. I have watched them at least twice. More to come, I have to jump in the pool.
  12. I just finished up with the second season Travelers. I like McCormick. I have not watched the NBC time travel show.
  13. Money Heist - Someone please explain to me why this is a good show? I watched the first two episodes, and it had so many plot holes. It has been a couple of weeks, but when I quit was when they ran out and started shooting, yet their plan included the police not shooting back? It has an 8.8 on IMDB, so I want to watch more, and I love heist shows/movies , but that threw me for a loop. There was something else minor to that, but I can't think of it now...
  14. The Abyss - I was wanting to watch Sci-fi/Underwater. If foot the bill. At one time it was my favorite move. It didn't hold up at all. 12 Strong - Sucked Th Commuter - Sucked. I just re watched a lot of Liam, but this is one of his worst. Ready Player One - Like others stated. It was good for what it was, but the book was so much more. All The Money in The World - I love based on true stories and read up on the family... Mollys Game - I liked it alot, but I really dig heist/whatever movies My 3 favorite movies of last year were probably 3 Billboards, I, Tonya, Get Out, and Wonder, SO 4.
  15. been on Tapa a lot, so I haven't wanted to type out my list. Like I stated, I love everything Jimmy Stewart and Clint Eastwood. I have all of their movies. I have seen a ton, but it is all subjective, as I am not a fan of John Wayne. My top ten, not in order. Ones I could watch and have watched over and over... The Outlaw Josey Wales - "Birds gotta eat same as worms" Pale Rider - "Preacher!" Silverado Unforgiven Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Dances with Wolves The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance No Country For Old Men Blazing Saddles How The West Was Won The Big Country
  16. Yes, I didn't read great reviews of that. Another one on Netflix is Top Boy, that I heard was good, but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet. Love/Hate is good if you don't mind subtitles.
  17. I watched the movie "All The Money in The World" It was good, and I didn't know the story. I have been saving all the episodes to binge. I read a ton up on the family after watching the movie. I am glad to hear it is good, and I look forward to it.
  18. This is only the one shows I never watched on HBO. I keep meaning to.
  19. I'm digging it so far.
  20. I forwarded this thread to my friend whom is a Captain at SWA. He is an asshole like all of us. I await for his response.
  21. The Harry the Hat bits were great. Thanks everyone for bringing back the memories. I also loved Night Court as a kid. I loved Bull.
  22. I just have to give it to the op. that was one of the best thread titles. It cracks me up every time I see it.
  23. I'm walking on air?
  24. FUUUCK. I give up now. Rick not doing the death blow and me ffwding through 10 minutes of dead Coral letters.... I didn't even want to watch the Fear of the Waling dead. Uggh , I really like Morgan James, https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0416694/?ref_=tt_cl_t14 He was just in this minseries on BBC called Save Me, and he was in a few other good ones like , Line of Duty. but, Damn. I do like the spin off more than the original, so I may watch it.
  25. That is one thing I have not explored. I have 2 fire tv's for my 2 tv's. I recently tried to upgrade from Ver. 1 to 3. The remote(I hate remote issues) was fubar. I had Amazon send me out 4, all the same. The remote would just continue scrolling even when I took my finger off the "trigger". I sent all of them back and said I would wait for the next version (this was even with virgin units that I had not put Kodi on... Crazy).
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