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Everything posted by BNB

  1. Fuck! Question 4. Who knows what a barrel makers profession name is? Half went out.
  2. My mother just gave us all Ancestry tests for Easter. It should be interesting. My 98 year old grandmother had hers done a few years ago, as my cousin has been working on genealogy. My Aunt pulled me aside a couple of years ago and said she looked at it and my grandmother was some small percent bleck. She didn't have the heart to tell her.
  3. Because I wanted to listen again and had a hard time looking through the thread to find it... Damn. There was like 5 minutes of commercials before it. They have made a lot of money on this.
  4. I just tried watching last weeks episode. I have watched all 36 seasons. I gave up when the guy found an idol a few minutes in. This season sucks. I am done. I will catch it next season.
  5. It was great. I loved Arnold saying how he was trying to pay for dinner, and Andre said no and picked him up like a kid and put him up on some piece of furniture like a doll. It brought back some great memories. I had not thought about WWF since I was 16. Rob Reiner and Billy Crystal were great. 106 Beers. 20 Bottles of wine on set of The Princes Bride.. Crazy. The mentioned he tried out for the Redskins as a gimick, and then showed him with Ali. It would have been interesting to see him box, since his fist was the size of someones head. Oh his trademark lifting of the left leg and laying a 30 second fart.
  6. Oh, I have a couple of unused Amazon Music (like spotify,etc) accounts if someone wants one, Pm me. I keep getting the Family plan for a little more a year, but only one of my nephews takes me up on it every year. Free or if you want to throw 10 dollars in the Surly account for 7 more months.....
  7. I only have 1 viewer, me. I have an Unraid server with Plex on it and all my media (2K movies and 10K tv shows, etc). I have a couple of Fire TV's with KODI on them I have Directv - $35/mo all channels from when they first started. Amazon, Hulu every now and then(if you quit, or pause they offer you a better deal), Netflix(I give my friend Amazon, he gives me Netfilx). I currently stream most of what I watch on Kodi through the Placenta add on. I was just wanting to watch the Andre the Giant movie, so I used I p t o r r e n t s. If anyone would like an invite to that PM me. I have 3 to give.
  8. I immediately thought of the guy from Die Hard and Chet. I was a sophomore in HS when Die Hard came out. The previews looked so bad ass, it made me read a book. I couldn't put the book down. I read it through all of my classes, with the Textbook covering me. This made me watch Die Hard again for the 100th time, non holiday. Spoiler from the book: It is his daughter that he is saving and she dies in the end when he is hanging on to her if I remember right from the late 80's.
  9. Great work over there TJ. I looked back once a couple of weeks ago, never again.
  10. I am a fan of all Clint Eastwood and Jimmy Stewart movies. I have all of them. The best quote is at the beginning of Hang em High. Eastwood is swinging from a tree. A guy cuts him down, and says: "Some people call this Hell, but you are still in Oklahoma territory." I've always wanted to make a small video of that if anyone wants to tell me how.
  11. I have a 2/1 900 sqft Condo downtown built in 68 that I remodeled 10 years ago. I have : Philips Hue Can lights. I got an app, Hue Disco, that hears my music and changes my lights to the beat (novelty). But, it is nice saying Alexa , lights 10 percent. For Xmas I got a cheap Ilife V5S vacuum and mop (all tile floors). $150. It does the job. It is stupid. it bangs into stuff , and moves on. But it is better than me doing it, and it gets done. A Nest thermostat. I've had that for a couple of years. I bought it after I had a $190 September electric bill. The next September it was $120. Alexa on the tv's and in the rooms. It all makes my life easier. Pretty basic.
  12. https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/29/17176038/sf-motors-electric-suv-tesla-musk-eberhard
  13. Zhu Congpeng, from China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporate said: "We have been continuously monitoring Tiangong-1 and expect to allow it to fall within the first half of this year." "It will burn up on entering the atmosphere and the remaining wreckage will fall into a designated area of the sea, without endangering the surface." Might as well say that since they have a 70% chance of being right. And it says only one person has been hit by space debris. That has to be a cool thing to put on your resume.
  14. Too bad it wasnt J & J Towing.
  15. Same. Does anyone know how to get youtube tv on a fire tv?
  16. Great first episode. Do we think phillip has no idea what Paige is up to?
  17. Yes! Thanks
  18. Great stuff. Looking forward to the podcast
  19. Any tang you want. Made into a great song by 2 live crew - "Me so horny."
  20. Yes it was like an ATeam episode.
  21. It will be sad no longer having the original location, as i have lived nearby since the beginning. I knew the bum, Monk they named the taco after. Not sure what happened to him.
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