This. I wouldn't have thought that co-sleeping is a thing. We raised two daughters (now 31 and 29). On the first one we were pretty strict about the night time sleep schedule. After 6-8 weeks, if she was fed with a clean diaper and still cried at bed time . . . then she cried. It didn't take long before she learned to comfort herself and put herself to sleep. She was a perfect sleeper. We weren't as strict with the next daughter and we played hell getting her to bed and to stay in bed. With her, it was a negotiation at bed time every night until she was around 7.
I'll be the cynic on this, but I'm not sure it really matters how good parents are at parenting. I've witnessed too many nice and thoughtful people end up with troubled, or just plain awful, kids and young adults. The opposite also happens. Unless you home school, the village is raising our children. Best advice I can give is to pay close attention to their peer group, and their parents, and do your best to socialize your children with the people you deem worthy.