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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. The Crossman pump was damn accurate against squirrels from 20-30 feet when I lived in Briargrove. Those fuckers would destroy all of the green pine cones and leave a huge mess in the yard. After two shooting sessions the word got out. Thereafter the squirrels avoided my yard.
  2. The 25 county SE Texas region (9.3 million population) today has 184 people in ICU with suspected or confirmed Covid. Lowest number since April 2, 2020.
  3. My dad has Parkinson’s and this is pretty much our current situation. It’s just horrible.
  4. This. Highly variable rainfall. Greater Uptown area has had a couple of inches over the last two days. Minor puddling on some streets but no big deal getting home this evening from downtown.
  5. Well, we were not lying.
  6. At the HEB on San Felipe in Houston today there were probably 20% of the customers without masks. No one told me to put a mask on and I received no dirty looks. At the Fairmont in Austin over the weekend we check in Friday without masks. The check-in clerk politely said that masks are required so we put them on. When I signed up for wifi they ask how the stay is going. I politely suggested that they follow CDC guidelines and allow vaxxed people to go without masks. The manager replied via text within a couple of hours saying that they just changed their policy to follow the CDC. So no masks required for the vaxxed at the Fairmont. Nice to see companies coming around.
  7. HouTex


    How was that 74 Montelena? How long have you had it? I’m guessing it’s hard to find well-stored older wines from California.
  8. I highly recommend borates especially if you have a salt pool. I love the feel of the water and the smell. It also helps stabilize the water chemistry.
  9. I would want separate accounts. They would never agree to it, as I said. Bottom line is that due to my prior experience I would not deal with a sole proprietor or a small partnership. I would only contract with a pool company that had a very long term history and/or a balance sheet.
  10. He wouldn’t. But if he did 150 pools per year at say 100k per pool that’s $15 million per year of gross revenue. He can afford the overhead of managing the accounts.
  11. This is why I would never use another small-time pool builder unless he showed me evidence that he complied with section 162.006 of the Texas Property Code. I would want a separate construction account with only my money in it. Of course, the guy probably would tell me to get lost. So I would end up using a well established company that presumably would not be judgment proof. Yes, at some level, every entity is judgment proof.
  12. This, although I agree that the payment schedule at issue is pretty standard. My pool builder, basically a guy in a pickup, ran out of money after gunite and plumbing was done. By that time I had paid him about 70% of the contract price. I finally fired him after three months of no activity (it was post financial crisis and he had no new jobs). I had to sub it out myself to finish the job. It cost me about an extra $20k over and above the original contract price.
  13. When it finally opened last October, my downtown Houston gym only required masks if you couldn’t social distance inside the gym which was never.
  14. We are battling Parkinson’s and dementia for both my father and my MIL. Both at 90. In many cases people are living too long. My father is living his greatest nightmare. Not being independent is way worse than death.
  15. Already sick of rain in Houston. Really fucking up my golf games.
  16. When our kids were young we gave them all of the vaccines that were available except the flu. Now that they are in their late 20’s they get the flu shot every year as do I. My wife hates shots so she rarely gets the seasonal flu shot. We all have been vaccinated for Covid.
  17. This. No change here. Good to see some folks who, for many reasons, were holed up for over a year and who are now coming alive.
  18. The pay schedule is common but try to negotiate for the payments to be more back ended. If the builder is basically just a sole proprietor he’s almost certainly using your money to finish up someone else’s pool. If he doesn’t have another build after yours then he can take a very long time to scrounge the money to finish your pool. That happened to me and I had to finish my pool on my own.
  19. Try one of the online tee time services. Also, the concierge of your hotel can help.
  20. There apparently isn't even a consensus on the number of deaths in the period soon after the exposure. The wiki quotes a 30 (not 31) number and then says 30 more died in the "decades since" the explosion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_due_to_the_Chernobyl_disaster Other sites use the 31 number for those who died from direct exposure. See quote and link below. You are correct about possible increases in cancer and other deaths over the long term. Thirty five years after the incident and there is no consensus on that and the possible numbers are all over the place. 31 people died as a direct result of the Chernobyl accident; two died from blast effects and a further 29 firemen died as a result of acute radiation exposure (where acute refers to infrequent exposure over a short period of time) in the days which followed. https://ourworldindata.org/what-was-the-death-toll-from-chernobyl-and-fukushima
  21. From the American Society of Gene + Cell Therapy on November 17, 2020 before the term "gene therapy" was being used by some kooks to argue that it altered your DNA. That was not my intent in using the term. The ASGCT uses the term gene therapy three times. The video from the ASGCT website is probably the best and simplest explanation of mRNA vaccines that I've heard. From the video: the vaccines "deliver synthetic mRNA molecules into cells instructing them to make antigens." https://asgct.org/research/news/november-2020/covid-19-moderna-nih-vaccine
  22. You would be misinformed. The pharma companies and the media have referred to it is gene therapy. Do just a little research and you’ll find the articles online. I’m not using the term to mean that it modifies genes. It can be gene therapy without altering your genes.
  23. Hope it doesn’t kill another 31 people.
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