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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. My first home had a bunch of the 2 prong sockets. I tried to replace them with grounded 3 prong sockets but I was told it would not be up to code unless grounding wires were there to ground the socket. If not i would have to run ground wires throughout the house. My house did not have the third grounding wire so I left them alone until we did a major remodel.
  2. I’ve started getting 4 or 5 bags at once and opening them while my hands are still wet from the foam sanitizer.
  3. Forgive the quality but the content is deserving. In the Tanglewood area on Saturday.
  4. I’m 22 years older. As I said, fairly recently. My family frequented restaurants of all types all around SE, south and central Texas and my memory goes back to the early 70’s. First time I was ever offered pre-sweetened tea was in a restaurant in Alabama in 2000. I recall it because I had to try it and it was way too sweet.
  5. Last minute pizzas tonight. I had to do a very quick rise with the dough but it turned out way better than expected.
  6. Bob Seger is great. I saw a young hawk flyin and my soul began to rise.
  7. Now that CFS was mentioned, it would be countless CFSs at Haby’s in Uvalde after the evening deer hunt in the late 70’s and mid 80’s.
  8. The Skirvin Hilton Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. I had a client in OKC and more than one of the employees swear they had ghostly experiences there. One guy said he woke up and somehow shaving cream was all over the bathroom mirror. I’ve heard that NBA teams refuse to stay there.
  9. Good thread topic. Hard to rank them. My first time to Tony’s in Houston in the late 70’s when I first experienced fine dining was a great meal. In the mid 90’s at the Grill Room at Windsor Court in NOLA before my first 5th Circuit argument the six course meal was amazing. At the time it was rated as one of the best restaurants in the country. Then there are several trips to NYC restaurants that all meld together. But the Tony’s and Grill Room meals really stand out.
  10. I had to google foot golf. I had never heard of it. Fucking soccer on a golf course.
  11. Watching the tape delay now. These women have an amazing short game.
  12. Same here for the potatoes. And because I like both cream and brown gravy, I get my CFS with cream gravy on half it and brown gravy on the other half. Then I dip individual bites of the steak in ketchup.
  13. Houston/SE Tex country music fans loved him. He still holds the record for most performances at the HLSR with 33. At UT I had several friends from Dallas Jesuit who went to school with his son, Dion. They would bring him to our frat parties in the early 80’s. Nice guy.
  14. My last batch of tamales. I make 15-20 dozen for friends and family each Christmas.
  15. Maybe this belongs in the unpopular opinions thread. I’ve always loved Collin St. fruit cake.
  16. The first time I experienced sweet tea was in the deep South in the late 90’s. It’s big in Mobile, AL. They always ask if you want sweetened or unsweetened. It was not a thing in Texas until fairly recently.
  17. Even Spec’s on Smith St had it in stock today.
  18. Tito’s and Fresca with a splash of cranberry juice.
  19. Eight dozen are steaming now. I’m half way through my annual ritual of making tamales for Christmas gifts for friends.
  20. All I Want For Christmas is You by Vince Vance. It’s a different song than the one sung by Mariah Carey.
  21. And all my TVs are Samsungs with a Roku device. Airplay works fine.
  22. Because Roku does not (yet) support HBO Max I’m casting from my iPhone to the Roku TV via Airplay. So far it works fine.
  23. Taken seriously? You mean as in a celebration of the birth of Christ? Ok, Ebenezer.
  24. The silly songs are horrible. Toss up between the hippopotamus song and the one about grandma getting run over by a reindeer.
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