Ohio State went all in for 2024. I have spoken directly to a number of second tier donors (tier below Wexner and a few others) regarding the 2024 spending flurry. Almost everyone basically contributed their limit under significant pressure. Ohio State will obviously remain a big NIL player but many of these guys have little interest in annually replicating the 2024 effort particularly since they will probably walk away with the title and they were told this was a bit of a one off. That said, it would have been better for everyone else if they had beaten Michigan. It will be very interesting to see how much NIL endurance donors ultimately have. Can Ohio State much less the likes of Ole Miss do this annually or will donor bases jump in strategically when the HS recruits on the roster justify a big NIL push for a particular season.
Ellison, Phil Knight and Wexner are all 80+ and could die next week. The depth of the NIL donor base will prove to be incredibly important for sustainability and Texas is possibly without peer in terms of donor depth.