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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. My recollection is that a substantial majority of the board expected his hiring to produce this exact result. He’s actually met expectations
  2. Idiotic media-driven hire but at least it’s over. Hilarious that Bjork basically did the same thing at Ohio State and it is also failing. Don’t hire the interim to replace a fired HC. Simple
  3. Sargent easily clears Vazquez if healthy. I think we would play Haji and even Weah at the 9 before a mid-MLS forward who failed in the Mexican league.
  4. The early spring reports suggested he was battling for a spot in the 2 deep. No idea if that is still the case but dude is clearly massive.
  5. The Transon Family
  6. It’s far more likely that Caitlin is the new Lance Armstrong. A transcendent star who temporarily dramatically raises the profile of their sport. The top-selling WNBA jerseys last season were Caitlin, Caitlin’s enemy, Ionescu and Caitlin’s college teammate. The WNBA is one serious injury to Caitlin away from being completely ignored again
  7. Sounds like a good date to start the season.
  8. The NWSL is a legit league as well. At worst, it’s the second best league in the world and is without question the deepest top to bottom. Volleyball has never been more popular or competitive for girls. The best girl athletes generally already focus on one sport by the age of 13 or so. You can dabble in another sport but you can’t really participate at the elite level in more than one the way the systems operate. HS basketball is still a thing although AAU is much more important for recruiting. HS soccer is entirely irrelevant for D1 level players who are increasingly not playing HS at all. Colleges straight up tell their commits not to play HS.
  9. The entire NBA regular season is a complete waste of time. Worst regular season in sports. They could easily cut it in half and no one would care other than the owners.
  10. I can’t remember the longhorns message board scene being in a worse place. Maybe late stage hornfans but there were still so many more posters and so many better posters. The Longhorns message board is in a very bad place when the football board is one of the more tolerable forums. Not imma’s fault but the board is struggling and will likely continue to decline unless we win a football title which may attract some new blood.
  11. Seems like female pop singers are the dominant form of pop music with rap and country close behind.
  12. It’s kind of like Texas in that you have booster contingents from the Big 3 cities plus a smattering from inside and outside the state. That said, OSU is pretty much the only game in town (or state) outside of a TCU level support for Cincy in Cincy. Every big dog in every shithole from Canton to Dayton supports OSU as opposed to competition from the likes of aggy or Tech in Texas shitholes.
  13. I assumed that it was for just one but in retrospect it wasn’t entirely clear.
  14. Haha. I just have professional and/or personal relationships with a bunch of the people who fund the OSU AD. I actually received better info during the Tressel and Urban regimes because some of the people I know had long-term personal relationships with those guys. Day is obviously not an Ohio guy. The Smith info is rock solid and comes from the inner circle of the OSU NIL guys. I don’t care whether you believe it or not but some people here appreciate the info so I will continue to provide interesting tidbits that are shared with me,
  15. He was demanding $5 million to stay before the national championship game.
  16. Ohio State went all in for 2024. I have spoken directly to a number of second tier donors (tier below Wexner and a few others) regarding the 2024 spending flurry. Almost everyone basically contributed their limit under significant pressure. Ohio State will obviously remain a big NIL player but many of these guys have little interest in annually replicating the 2024 effort particularly since they will probably walk away with the title and they were told this was a bit of a one off. That said, it would have been better for everyone else if they had beaten Michigan. It will be very interesting to see how much NIL endurance donors ultimately have. Can Ohio State much less the likes of Ole Miss do this annually or will donor bases jump in strategically when the HS recruits on the roster justify a big NIL push for a particular season. Ellison, Phil Knight and Wexner are all 80+ and could die next week. The depth of the NIL donor base will prove to be incredibly important for sustainability and Texas is possibly without peer in terms of donor depth.
  17. They also imposed more restrictions on the public drinking. Lots of UT fans also walked into the belly of the beast immediately after the game. Go west or due south when you leave the stadium not east. Visiting fans should never go east of high street north of 5th Avenue. I’ll put together a visitors guide before the game next year
  18. ND is team Catholic and will always dominate these types of surveys.
  19. Kirk is an insecure narcissist.who has alienated many people who know him for an extensive period. Can’t be trusted or relied on. Just ask his wife,
  20. Will Johnson didn’t even play against tOSU. Neither did the TE
  21. Hermanos Gutierrez - Sonido Cosmico Julian Lage - Speak to Me Nick Cave - Wild God The Lemon Twigs - A Dream Is All We Know FJM VW Sturgill
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