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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:

    Fueled by the selective reporting of the events as they unfold.  How difficult is it to add in the slightly relevant tidbit of information that she was shot what attempting to murder another person.....

    It is disturbing that no segment of our society beyond those directly impacted would have batted an eye at the situation if CPD had arrived 5 minutes later merely to discover the girl in pink alone on the street and stabbed to death.  No media reports, no White House statements, no social media posts, no outraged responses to inaccurate media reports and posts.  Just another anonymous dead black victim of violence that is currently exploding throughout the country.  

    Just now, Captainant said:

    Just so you know... You're using the exact same terms and talking points as Qanon nutjobs. Media cabals being said as a serious thing just makes me laugh and remember aggy's obsession with the BOMC

    You seem obsessed with aggy

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    Damn right.  There are real world consequences for spreading misinformation.

    Apparently if businesses get looted or people hurt tonight because of riots or looting over this cop shooting, some people will think it's laughable.

    Exactly, particularly as someone with a business in Columbus with a building that rioters tried to burn down while our IT staff was inside.  

  3. Just now, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    but it is because they always do this. Acting like this is the first time this has occurred is the laughable part. and this occurs on both sides. The point of the news is not for you to be informed. It's to get eyes on the stories and corresponding ads. 

    And that is depressing and dangerous, not laughable.  No one is acting like this is the first time this has occurred.  It is expected.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 6 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    The outcry at the media is laughable. The media is a business that do everything they can to get you to click/read an article.  If you hate misleading articles from a certain media outlet, stop clicking on them.

    FYI, I'm reading CNN's home page that says police shot and killed a teen holding a knife. Right there in the headline.

    I don't think the fact that elements of the media are actively distorting reality to suggest that police shot an unarmed black 15 year old girl in the immediate wake of the Chauvin verdict is laughable at all.  

    • Hook 'Em 7
  5. 8 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    you're absolutely excusing their inaction. dozens of citizens knew exactly what was happening and tried to interject. they didn't have any training that somehow resulted in them acting like a human being, they just recognized a human was being murdered and tried to stop it. meanwhile, the cops did nothing. it's inexcusable, but fits a long pattern of behavior where 'good cops' stand by and do nothing while 'bad cops' commit crimes. it's ingrained in their culture.


    And they are circling the wagons now more than ever.  Avoiding situations that lead to police shootings is a relatively immature "solution" instead of addressing the underlying issues but it probably will lead to less police shootings.  Police are increasingly defining their role as investigatory instead of preventative in high crime areas.  

  6. 10 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    wait, are you saying that because Chauvin was convicted of murder, cops will stop doing their jobs?

    There is at least anecdotal evidence that police departments (including the Columbus PD) have significantly decreased patrols in black neighborhoods and that response times to reports of violent crimes in those neighborhoods have increased significantly.  In Columbus, there has been talk of police basically abandoning Linden (the poorest black neighborhood in the city). 

    There has been significant attention given to the "post-pandemic" violence but the murder rate was already up almost 40% in 2020.  In Columbus, black male homicide victims increased from 58 in 2019 to 84 in 2020, a 50% increase, and half of those murders didn't result in any arrest.  Murder without consequences yields more murder.    

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  7. 3 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    With Chelsea being the first domino, how soon do we think FSG takes to back out? Even if they do, you have to think there will be tremendous pressure to force them out. I'm not sure what can be done but all the goodwill they built up has been erased. 

    United fans tried to burn Ed Woodward's house down and led years long LUHG/Green and Gold campaigns to no avail.  Liverpool is also in the midst of its most successful run since the 80s.   

  8. 9 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    3m ago 17:30

    The Guardian’s Jessica Elgot asks what is Boris Johnson’s own view on the German model of ownership (50+1) whioch gives fans a controlling stake in their clubs?

    Johnson says it’s a matter for the minister for sport Tracey Crouch to address in her review and and he is of the opinion that she is impressed by those models.

    Germany went from a not-for-profit model in which all clubs were owned by members associations to a 50+1 model that permitted limited private investment and ownership.   

    England would be going the exact opposite direction from entirely private ownership to a 50.1% "fan" ownership. The Big 6 alone are collectively valued in excess of $20 billion.  The economic and legal implications of simultaneously requiring divestment of more than 50% ownership of all English clubs would be unworkable and in the long run Man United and Liverpool would be the greatest beneficiaries given that future spending would primarily depend on legitimate operating income.     

  9. 13 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    Agree with Klopp here

    Neville is a grandstanding cunt.  Never said a word about the multitude of events that gave rise to the current situation but is now "courageously" railing against the resulting situation in a transparent effort to burnish his personal brand.  Very 2020s.  Klopp's dissection of Neville is a bit more subtle and biting than the media has recognized imo.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 minute ago, midtown said:

    Seems more and more like this will end up with a compromise of some sorts.   Both sides seem to have some decent chips in their stack. 

    Kill the indefensible and irrelevant Nations League and Club World Cup and place control of the CL and the distribution of its proceeds in the hands of the Big 5 leagues (not just a cadre of the super clubs) instead of UEFA bureaucrats.  UEFA and FIFA should manage their own legitimate international competitions (Euros and WC) but their oversight and control over club football should be greatly diminished.  Additional layers of bureaucratic middlemen increase inefficiency, waste and corruption, but that is the European way.

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  11. 12 minutes ago, G650 said:

    It's basically the opposite. No one wants to watch Real play City every week. It's completely lame.

    Its no Rennes v. Krasnodar but I think we could live with it

    Matchday 1

    Man Utd v AC Milan

    Barcelona v Liverpool

    Chelsea v Inter Milan

    Bayern v Arsenal

    Atletico v Leipzig

    Chelsea v Madrid

    Tottenham v Juventus

    PSG v Dortmund

  12. 12 minutes ago, G650 said:

    We get it man, you are all in on the Super League.

    I have mixed feelings.  I do think it would be very interesting to see the best consistently play against the best.  The proposed additional watering down of the Champions League will only further reduce the interesting matchups.  The talent gulf produced by the massive influx of cash has also created too many bunkering contests in league play which were far rarer in the 90s.  It's just not very compelling soccer to watch a Big 6 team try to break through deep banks of 5 and 4 players every other week.  The Super League would provide a welcome respite from that style.  

    On the other hand, it's not much of leap from a Super League to a complete abandonment of the national leagues which would destroy soccer history.  Dumping a bastardized CL in favor of the Super League doesn't trouble me much.     

  13. I would also say that the grandstanding and predictably hyperbolic reaction to the proposed Super League by politicians, administrators, columnists, media figures and social media influencers is so very emblematic of our current environment.  The CL has been a cynical money grab ever since it was expanded for the 1999-2000 season.  Remember that CL qualification wasn't even a thing before then. 

    European and particularly English football were sold to the highest bidder more than a decade ago and trophies are almost universally bought and paid for.  Gary Neville working himself into a lather about the Super League while Chelsea and then City literally purchased the mountaintop of English football with petrodollars is pretty rich. The horse has been out of the barn for a long fucking time Gary.  He wasn't waling and gnashing his teeth when the expanded CL killed the relevance of a true hallmark of English football (the FA Cup).     

  14. 2 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


    So more rebates they can't afford to their broadcast partners then.  UEFA further demonstrating their legendary foresight by voluntarily delegitimizing its own CL within 48 hours of the announcement of the Super League.  

  15. The concern in England specifically is that the Super League will reduce the competitiveness of the Premier League.  The elimination of CL qualification will cause the Super League teams who aren't in contention for the EPL title to coast through the end of the season.  Tonight's Liverpool-Leeds game is (was?) very important to Liverpool due to CL qualification.  In the Super League era, it would mean nothing because Liverpool would be in the Super League next season regardless of their league position.  This is a hugely significant concern.

    I do wonder how football would evolve if the best players in the world are constantly playing against each other as would be the case in the Super League.  

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