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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. 8 hours ago, skittlebrau said:

    Free agents are eligible for the expansion draft. From the rules:

    • Option Decline Free Agents and Out of Contract Free Agents not automatically protected and are eligible for selection.

    FAs are eligible for selection but Austin would have to negotiate a new deal with them just like any other team.  He's out of contract.  Austin would be permitted to offer him more money than Minnesota.  That is the only advantage which is why no one uses expansion picks on free agents.    

  2. 2 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    I think the biggest mistake we made with Tom Herman was, we went after a hot commodity.

    The biggest mistake made with Turtle was the extension that CDC is now trying to distance himself from through his minions in the Texas media.  That extension more than justifies the immediate termination of CDC.  

  3. The Crew doesn't attract much support from outside Columbus beyond soccer diehards from the region who had no other MLS options for decades until FC Cincy.  They have a strong and relatively large hardcore support but have struggled (like much of MLS) to sustain the casuals needed for a small market to consistently draw near capacity crowds. 

    The new ownership and club leadership (combining Caleb Porter with the Toronto FC management was a masterstroke) have positioned the Crew as well as possible for the move into the new stadium which is a massive upgrade over Crew Stadium in every respect (decaying and ignored erector set adjacent to the ghetto -> state of the art downtown stadium adjacent to entertainment districts).  No one would have believed in October 2017 that the Crew would be moving into a new stadium (in the exact location Crew diehards wanted) in 2021 as MLS champions. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Left Coast said:

    Looks like Andrew Yang will be running for mayor of NYC....


    Is Andrew Yang Running for Mayor? All Signs Point to Yes

    The former Democratic presidential candidate is meeting with New York City power brokers and telling them he intends to enter the race to succeed Bill de Blasio.

    Smart choice.  Anyone will look great in comparison to de Blasio.  

  5. 1 minute ago, Lobo said:

    No, it was more than shit thrown at our heads, somebody pushing us into a burning sofa, then the pistol-brandishing drunk, and then the knife pulled on me that got closer than I would have liked.  And the cops just glancing over like, 'they don't pay us enough to interfere...good luck.'  It made my time in Cleveland and Cincinnati look at Hawaii. 


  6. 3 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    And the most afraid for my personal safety that I ever was in my entire life was in Columbus, Ohio.  

    "Steers and queers" chants do strike fear in all but the bravest of men

  7. 32 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    this is true.  Texas was right there DKR to Akers was like Hayes to Bruce.  OSU hired Cooper and Texas hired McWilliams(complete bust) and then Mackovic(average).  Cooper was above average.  Mack was right there with Tressell IMO but Stoops showed up at OU after their decade in the wilderness after shithead.  OU hit a home run and we hit a triple.  Without Stoops a lot could have changed for Texas.  It also helped that he didn't burn the place down when he left and he didn't change his entire philosophy when he got drilled by USC and then lost to Florida.

    A lot of the old guard coaches in traditional powers started to retire kin late 70's due to age but also the advent of scholarship limits in 1973 to 105.

    the recruting really started getting dirty when scholarship limits happened.  you had limited so you had to hit on the ones you had.

    Tressel also emphasized the Michigan game like Mack should have emphasized the OU game.  

  8. 1 minute ago, WinningIsHard said:

    Players....like cam newton? Adrian Peterson? Demarvin Leal? Jaylon Waddle? All those fuckers were in our back yard. You're saying we pay but we don't pay enough? Name an o-lineman from that 08-09 stretch when Colt was phenomenal. The programs that are cheating don't have to work as hard as we do to keep the pipeline full. If you really think that we compete with overall talent as those teams I just mentioned well then you're living in a fairy tale. 

    You don't think we play the game?  Maybe not as much as Bama but we are definitely engaged.

  9. Awful coaching hires is definitely the primary issue for the football program.  Coaching hires based on Surly polls would have yielded better coaches than McWilliams, Mackovic (6-5 at Illinois the year we hired him), Strong and Herman.  

    Additional issues in no order include undesirable conference affiliation (SWC and the post-realignment Big 12), lack of institutional alignment regarding the importance of/commitment to the football program (it's hard to be Ohio State when the rest of the institution strives to emulate Berkeley), relatively average facilities particularly compared to the elite, a bloated athletic department suffering from weak and unclear leadership since Dodds got old, a revenue gravy train that steams down the tracks regardless of performance and, most importantly, a decade of elite performance within the revenue sports during the aughts that concealed and ultimately exacerbated the underlying issues after the success stalled/ended.

    If I was CDC, I would do everything in my power to move Texas to the Big 10 (not going to a popular opinion here I know), build best in class facilities for the football program, burn the AD to the ground and restaff with hires from the elite ADs around the country and, most importantly, fire Tom Herman and hire anyone else (Urban, Campbell, anyone).

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  10. 14 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Y'all should pay more attention to things like this^

    I wish I had more good information on the Urban front but my Buckeye contacts don't appear to know shit about Urban's plans.  That said, if I had a dollar for every buckeye who has told me in the last couple weeks some variation of "Texas has too many cooks in the kitchen for Urban" . . . 

  11. The dudes on Columbus sports radio (Carpenter, Schlegel and the host) discussed Meyer "turning down" Texas this morning and were very rational.  Carpenter basically said that Urban apparently turned down the job for now but nothing would surprise him going forward.  Schlegel said Urban would want to secure his support staff (Italian mafia) before he goes anywhere and isn't going to disrupt Ohio State's season and current recruiting in doing so.  They also had a good laugh regarding what the support staff actually does (not too hard to read between the lines re: bagmen and practicing/training without coaches).

    They all acknowledged that Texas is a huge part of Ohio State's current recruiting plan and that makes it harder for Urban to take the job as it would disrupt a lot of work Ohio State has put in down there as opposed to USC where Ohio State isn't very active.


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  12. 1 minute ago, troph said:

    I was only talking money, now ego... go check a list of the greatest coaches of all time.  Saban is top 5.  Stoops and Meyer are top 50.  I'm not saying what's true or untrue, just what the "lists say" and ego comes in for a guy like Meyer and he can be remembered forever as one of they top 10 coaches of all time if he makes a dynasty run here in Austin.  Money is one thing, and the ego is another and both of those make it a nobrainer (sorry no pun intended).

    Meyer is a lot higher than Top 50.  His winning percentage only trails Rockne and Leahy.  

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