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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. 1 minute ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    That's a slow weekend in Chicago. You know, all those "white supremacists"  gunning each other down there.

    I don't care who is doing the killing as long as there is plenty of it!!!  I certainly don't give a shit that blacks kill twice as many whites every year than vice versa as long as the killing gets done.  We should require Antifa and the white supremacists to battle on the streets of Portland until everyone on each side is dead and the city is burned to the ground.  Access to the livestream can be sold as a pay per view and the proceeds can be used to remove the rubble and return the land to the Multnomah.  The carcasses of the dead can be repurposed as fertilizer for the organic fields that will be planted where Portland once stood.  

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  2. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    We'll get there, no need for abortion factories.  Let this pandemic and the next one go free-range, take away ACA healthcare, deport anyone whose parents might not have been natural born citizens, continue to encourage white supremacists to go hunting brown people (border Wal-Marts are like hunting deer over a feeder, I hear).....you'll get to your dream soon enough.

    It's going to take a while though if the white supremacists are only taking out 64 people every five years per your statistics above.  Better to rely on Free Abortions for All.  I am fine with a per capita reduction based on whatever groups you folks are currently splitting up the humans into.

  3. 2010s was the worst decade for music since the 1940s and I feel sorry for anyone who spent their teens and twenties in that decade.  2020s will probably be worse.

    Beyonce is the most overrated human in history.

    Foo Fighters and Pearl Jam are both dramatically overrated.

    Grateful Dead is the best American rock band ever and second place is miles behind.

    Springsteen is the only classic rock icon I'm not a big fan of. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    These fucking people have lost their fucking minds.  And the fact it's not receiving universal condemnation is telling.

    All these "protesters" should have their ass kicked (maybe by a cop?) from DC to Kenosha.

    The suburbanites will simply abandon the urban cores of many American cities and retreat to the new entertainment districts already being developed and built in the suburbs.  The restaurants and bars and other downtown businesses will follow the money to the suburbs leaving the urban poor even further removed from jobs and opportunity.  At least gentrification should no longer be a concern after the work and entertainment crowds largely abandon urban cores.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 1 minute ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    The survey found that low-wage workers in Los Angeles regularly experience violations of basic laws that mandate a minimum wage and overtime pay and are frequently forced to work off the clock or during their breaks. Other violations documented in the survey include lack of required payroll documentation, being paid late, tip stealing, and employer retaliation. In nearly every case, the violation rates are higher in Los Angeles than in New York and Chicago


    surely the readily available under the table employee has no influence on this situation. California has a lot of competition for their citizen’s low wage jobs through no fault of their own.  As an employee, why would you speak out when you are so easily replaceable?

    California is also without question the most lucrative state in the country for wage and hour class actions which are keeping many lawyers on both sides very busy and wealthy.

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