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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. 5 minutes ago, Leanderman said:

    Every time he went to Michigan he would not buy gas or food in that state.  He had some serious issues, although I do the same think if I have to drive thru choke-la-homa.

    He certainly had an unhealthy and immature obsession with Michigan and a ridiculous temper.  He was a relatively complex person for a football corch.  

  2. 10 hours ago, Lobo said:

    I'm not a big internet man.  Royal had some racial tendencies.  All that aside, I hope the entire Hayes family burns in Hell and I wish your entire fanbase an eternity of shit because all of them are human pieces of fucking shit.  You seem nice though.  But I hope most of you die and live out the miserable garbage existence God intended.  Hayes and his minions are sub-human shit-stains.  


    But honestly, happy New Year.  Let's keep pretending in 2020 that all people are equal.  

    Show us on the doll where Woody Hayes touched you

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  3. A few power ratings systems consider Ohio State to be one of the best teams of all time.  They are third in the BCS/playoff era in Sagarin behind 2001 Miami and 2005 Texas and Huck's system has them as the best team since 1946 and the 8th best team of all time.  The only other team in his Top 40 from the 2000s is 2018 Clemson at 40th.  Ohio State also achieved the highest FPI of all time earlier in the season.

    It's hard to overstate how awful Clemson's schedule was.  They played the equivalent of SMU's schedule.  aggy @ Clemson was their toughest game and by some distance.  It will be very interesting to see if a team can immediately step it up against historically elite competition after playing no one for an entire year.

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/21/2019 at 1:37 PM, Jive Turkey said:

    You should keep your opinions limited to the other thread. 

    To be fair to Drew, his Surly identity is The Guy Who Liked TLJ.  He should be required to change his avatar to Rose Tico.

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  5. TLJ also became some kind of referendum on political correctness.  It sounds ridiculous but issuing a negative review regarding TLJ was almost a political statement.  For whatever reason, that does not appear to be the case for ROS.  Denying the existence of the access media and the ability of big studios to manipulate reviews is simply naive.

  6. 21 minutes ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    It’s still early, but the Disney review embargo appears wise.  

    Wise but ineffective.  The entire plot leaked early and their allies in the media invited to the premiere have not fallen into line as they did for TLJ.

  7. 3 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    The reviews were glowing for The Last Jedi. If you hated that movie and thought the reviewers were full of shit or Disney shills, you should be happy that they think this one sucks. It means it's more of the Star Wars movie you wanted.

    Uh no.  The negative reviewers now also include members of the mainstream "access" media in addition to the TLJ haters.  

  8. 23 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:

    Ford has been phoning in it for years. Carrie’s a personality, but wasnt a serious actor anymore. Hamill’s shown he’s a real character actor, but hasnt been in enough to make him a major character in a billion dollar trilogy.

    But none of them should have been in more than a flashback sequence or something. Hamill could have done some voiceovers.


    They definitely should have entirely focused the new trilogy on the incredibly compelling new characters that they developed and introduced.  

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  9. 6 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    If this radical leftism was the reason why Labour lost so badly then why did the Lib Dems (the outright self-proclaimed "centrists" in UK politics) also suffer heavy defeat? This election was overwhelmingly determined by Brexit and little more.

    Swinson tried to recast the Liberal Democrats as the home of identity politics.  Complete disaster to put it mildly.

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    You think workers abandoned labour because of policies intended to benefit them, and not because labour waffled on brexit, something those workers passionately supported? 

    Well that and being characterized as racist morons by the British version of the coastal elites.  

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  11. 1 minute ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    the only thing missing there is someone needs to yell "NO, I CALLED IT!" at some point, otherwise we have a perfect rendition of "Star Wars as written by the Ax Cop kid"

    The memes should be fantastic

  12. That summary is generally consistent with the spoilers I read.  I am actually kind of excited by the prospect of this being one of the worst movies ever made.  The leaked plot is on par with a Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie.  


    They should continue the "deaths" a few more times.

    Kylo: I'm dead. 

    Rey: No, I'm dead.

    Kylo: No, I'm dead.

    Rey: No, I'm dead.

    Kylo: No, I'm dead.


    • Haha 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, jdhorn92 said:

    No , that is incorrect.  In your scenario, if Texas fired Herman, then Harrell would no way be considered for the HC job at Texas.  No way.

    I didn't know CDC posted here

  14. LSU got lucky by playing their gauntlet of Florida (H), Auburn (H) and Alabama (who they beat by an average score of 37 - 30) over a 4 week stretch in October and early November instead of late-November and early December like OSU.  Ohio State beat PSU (H), Michigan (A) and Wisconsin (N) by an average score of 39-22.  When Ohio State played their version of UGA (Wisconsin) following cupcakes, they killed them 38-7.

    The bottom line is that the SEC gets every benefit of the doubt when it comes to the playoff.  If Ohio State had given up 614 yards in November to a team that fired its coach at the end of the season, they wouldn't have even been in the conversation for the 1-seed 

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  15. I think the line is about right for Clemson-OSU.  Fields does not recognize pressure well and Clemson will get to him.  tOSU defense should be back to its best after getting some rest following the PSU, Michigan and Wisconsin gauntlet.  Chase Young needs to get to Lawrence repeatedly. 

    Clemson's biggest issue will be the step up in class.  They have played absolutely no one and Ohio State's speed and depth on offense and defense will be an adjustment.

    LSU's biggest concern will be the 7 week layoff after Alabama.  OU as a warm up is the perfect situation for them.  


  16. 53 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    tOSU is winning it all.  Mark it down.  LSU is very good, but tOSU is winning that game by 2 scores or more about 80% of the time.  

    Clemson could beat Ohio State.  LSU's D will get treated like Teddy Bear Stallion in Angola by either Clemson or Ohio State.

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