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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. Just now, SwanderedTalent said:

    I fail to see your point exactly. Everything was fine until 1986? Is that what you're going for? 

    My point is that Texas was a Top-10 program until after 1983 to rebut cloak room's idiotic post that "This has been Texas since 1970."

  2. 26 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    This has been Texas football since 1970.

    1971-1983: 13 seasons, 6 conference titles, 0 losing seasons, 5 seasons with at least 10 wins (11-12 game seasons), 3 seasons with more than 3 losses, 6 Cotton Bowl appearances , 7 Top-10 UPI finishes, 11 AP Top-20 finishes.  

    Texas was clearly a Top-10 program in the country during that 13-year stretch. 

  3. Just now, Blotto said:

    All this proves is that we have a lot of money. We have it so we spend it, albeit in a piss poor fashion. As long as the athletic department avoids scandal and continues to print money, we'll continue to outspend the competition, but don't confuse that with the University of Texas giving equal priority to both academics and athletics. And I'm fine with that. 

    If academics were clearly prioritized, the AD would distribute FAR more revenue back to the academic side than they do.  Don't confuse incompetence in athletics as prioritizing academics.  

    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    The University of Texas is an academic institution.

    Athletics are secondary. Urban Meyer is never going to be allowed to coach at Texas.

    That is the culture and I don't see it changing.

    No university spends more on athletics than Texas and second place (Michigan) is not particularly close.  Texas spent $31 million more on athletics than any other school in the country in 2018 despite a relatively small number of teams - 20 compared to UM's 29.  That is not consistent with a school where athletics are secondary.    

    Dodds, Mack, Augie and Barnes all declined relatively contemporaneously and were allowed to stay past their sell date due to historic accomplishments.  Their delayed departures and underwhelming replacements are responsible for the current predicament.  CDC looks like he may be the first legitimate successor to that group but the damage done to the AD in the past decade was severe and Texas has so far been unable to buy its way out of the situation.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    I think that referring to trying to get your kid in gifted and talented programs and stuff so that they stay challenged in school. Not calling the principal because the teacher gave your kid a bad score on an essay.

    One problem is that most public schools teach to the average kid in the class which is useless to the more intelligent children.  This is particularly an issue in elementary school where the pool is small and the separation by ability is more limited.  One reason attending the best school you can afford is beneficial is that the average student's ability is usually significantly higher than in a weaker school and, as a result, the work is more challenging.  

  6. His ankle injury unquestionably limited his ability to escape pressure.  Tua was hobbling towards the sideline when he was caught by the MSU defenders and it is not unreasonable to question whether he would have avoided the hip injury if he was healthy.  No one pulls their QB in Q2, but I wonder if teams will do so in the future in similar situations (star QB carrying an injury in a blowout). 

  7. We are all over the map in the bowl projections from Alamo to Liberty.  

    It would be our 3rd trip to the Texas Bowl in the last 6 years.  Oklahoma State appears to be our "competition" for the Texas Bowl and they have never played in it but did play in the Liberty Bowl last season.  Texas has never played in the Liberty Bowl.  That said, I don't think Texas falls below Camping unless they lose out.  


  8. It's truly bizarre that Texas hasn't tried to hire the closest replica to DKR on the market.  I have no idea who that is, but I do know that its none of the dudes who have coached here since him.

  9. 1 minute ago, hookem48 said:

    so give it the eye test

    I think it is to enforce unwritten agreements among the conferences to address situations exactly like the one posited on this thread (i.e., Power 5 conference champs must get the nod over non-conference champs regardless of what the computers say).

  10. 12 minutes ago, hookem48 said:

    thought the whole purpose of the committee was to give this the eye test 

    The whole purpose was to be able to ignore the computers.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, texaslong said:

    2014 TCU? 

    Nope.  Everyone who got in that year won their conference.  The controversy was that Ohio State passed them after crushing Wisconsin in the Big 10 championship.

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