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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. 2 minutes ago, notre dame joe said:

    Like the last time it happened?

    When did a one-loss Power 5 conference champ get left out of the playoff in favor of a one-loss division runner-up?

    • Like 1
  2. Gorman was never going to happen but it's shocking that they aren't bringing in Ford and Pipien to establish a legit Crowes tour.   Ticket sales for a nationwide amphitheater/arena tour that isn't skipping many, if any, potential tour spots should be interesting.  

  3. Bama getting into the playoff would send the message that quality of losses and the entirely subjective "eye test" are more important than quality of wins, conference division titles and conference championships.  I do think that Bama getting in in that situation would guarantee an early expansion of the playoff to 8 or the Big 12 and PAC 10 would threaten to drop out of the playoff structure. The Big 10 and Rose Bowl would follow along with the PAC 10 to isolate the SEC and the NCAA.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    Let’s say LSU, Ohio State, and Clemson all win out. They’re in. 

    OU, Oregon, and Bama also win out. 

    Who gets the fourth spot? Bama won’t be a conference champ but they will have beaten Auburn, who beat Oregon. OU will be a conference champ, but they easily have the worst loss. 

    538's playoff predictor says OU (65%) over Oregon (31%) and Alabama (3%) in that situation.  A one loss non-division champ whose best and only Top-25 win is against a 3 or more likely 4 loss Auburn should not get in over a 1-loss Power 5 conference champion.  College football would implode if Alabama got in under those circumstances.  

  5. 538 has the following:

    Clemson 88%

    Ohio State 69%

    LSU 68%

    Georgia 34%

    Oklahoma 33%

    Oregon 32%

    Utah 20%

    Baylor 18%

    Penn State 12%

    Alabama 11%

    Minnesota 9%


    Looked at another way:

    SEC champ: IN

    Big 10 champ: 93% (Wisconsin also has a 3% chance)

    ACC Champ (Clemson): 88%

    Pac 10 champ: 52%

    Big 12 champ: 51%

  6. 26 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Can you list the 42+ players on the Texas roster that you think are too stupid to be able to gain anything from an education?

    Well over 50% of the players on the roster who receive full scholarships of of HS will either never graduate or will graduate with a completely worthless degree in a major that the football program and AD developed specifically for athletes in revenue sports to avoid APR penalties.  A shadow university consisting of "academic advisors," "tutors," and bullshit classes and majors exists at every Power 5 school to preserve the illusion of scholar athletes in revenue generating D-1 sports.  

    Some of the players do lack the intelligence to succeed academically at a university the caliber of UT.  Many others lack the requisite preparation and academic development.  Many others aren't at Texas to play school.   

  7. At least 50% (and that is a very conservative estimate) of the guys who get full rides to play football at Ohio State, Texas and the like are simply incapable of taking advantage of the educational opportunities offered by those universities, particularly given the time commitment associated with playing D-1 football.  

  8. If Bama loses to LSU, their best win will come against a potentially 4-loss Auburn (if Auburn loses to Georgia).

    College football will implode if that team makes it over a 1-loss conference champ from the B1G, PAC of Big-12.  



  9. 1 hour ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    They look like the best team so far. LSU has the best resume, even downwardly adjusting for how mediocre we've turned out to be.

    I'm much more impressed by tOSU's resume that LSU's.

    Vandy, Texas and Florida (3 of the five Power 5 teams LSU has faced) each had one of their best offensive performances of the season against LSU.   Meanwhile, everyone who plays Ohio State has one of their worst offensive and defensive performances of the season.  Florida and Auburn were both in their games against LSU at Tiger Stadium deep into Q4 while Ohio State has crushed everyone.

    Huck's power ratings provide that Ohio State has played the number 10 (Wisconsin 38-7), 16 (Cincy 42-0), 28 (Michigan State 34-10) and 29 (Indiana 51-10) teams in the country while LSU has played number 7 (Auburn 23-20), 13 (Florida 42-28) and 22 (Texas 45-38).

    • Like 2
  10. With respect to May, my favorite shows are 5.5, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.17, 5.19 and 5.22 but they are all good.  5.17 (Tuscaloosa) isn't exactly off the beaten path but it is sometimes overlooked in May 77 due to the number of legendary shows (the 5.7 - 5.9 holy trinity) and shows that received higher profile releases (5.19 and 5.21 - Dicks Picks 29; 5.22 - Dick's Picks 3; 5.25 - Dave's Picks 1; and 5.28 - To Terrapin).    

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I wonder if Nick Denton regrets outting Peter Thiel or running Hulk Hogan’s sex tape.   

    Probably given that he completed a capital raise that valued Gawker Media at $250 million a few months before the Hogan verdict.  Of course, digital media valuations have completely collapsed since then.  The evil private equity overlords bought all of the Gawker legacy sites plus The Onion from Univision for only $20 million in April.  

  12. 1 hour ago, Ellellelle said:
    1 hour ago, Newy25 said:
    You literally made fun of his religion because of the kind of underwear they have. I do not think you should be calling anyone a bigot. 

    They use impoverished brown and black people to up their enrollment numbers and collect their tithes, but wont let them be leaders. The church is also extremely misogynistic and homophobic. 

    Well they can't just ignore what God and Jesus told Joseph Smith.  

  13. Deadspin was an interesting place that was always becoming less interesting while somehow remaining interesting. It consistently maintained a roster consisting some of the most talented writers on the internet coupled with something else.  In Leitch's era, that other consisted of a bunch of guys who capably wrote about sports in an indistinguishable Deadspin snark voice.  In Daulerio's era, that something else consisted of shit-posting fuck ups who made me laugh more often than not.  Most recently, the something else consisted of a bunch of navel-gazing, self-important and humorless cunts who will struggle to find permanent positions in an industry already overflowing with themselves.  


    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, Laga4 said:

    1.  Some people say things that sound kinda racist and are meant to be really racist. 

    2.  Some people say things that sound kinda racist but were in no way meant to be racist

    I'm going with number 2 for Earl's comment.

    That's pretty patronizing.  I doubt we would be so forgiving if a stumbling drunk Joe Namath said you need a white QB to win the Super Bowl.

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