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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. The nerd sites claim that HBO was concerned about the very limited source material for the series and GRRM's level of interest in the project.  The replacement series is based on Fire & Blood and Martin will be significantly more involved that he would have been in the terminated series.  HBO basically determined that the terminated series presented too much of a TLJ risk to the GOT brand.      

  2. On 10/26/2019 at 7:15 PM, Bevo VIII said:

    No ducking reason not to at this point.

    What if Urban doesn't work out for some reason?  There goes our precious sanctimony and all we have left is our revenue ranking.  

    On 10/26/2019 at 7:55 PM, Spider2YBanana said:

    He couldn't handle the BMD's, anyway. Even if he weren't a shit eating dildo bag, he couldn't do it. 

    Wouldn't not couldn't.  

  3. Yup.  Disney was not anticipating the massive box office declines in both the sequel trilogy and anthology films.  Solo may have actually lost money which Disney never even contemplated as a possibility.  The ancillary income has been a disaster and the theme park attendance for the Star Wars lands has been underwhelming.  They simply can't fuck up the next trilogy.  

    TFA $2.068 billion

    TLJ 1.333 billion

    Rogue One $1.056 billion

    Solo $392.9 million

  4. 1 hour ago, Buzzrock said:

    I wonder whether it was really their decision to step away.  Disney and its studio executives need the next trilogy to appeal to a broader audience than just sycophants, morons and SJWs and I imagine that Disney had concerns regarding the Daves' ability to develop a compelling original story based on the abortion that was GoT once the Martin source material dried up.  

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    I'll be really surprised if Penn State beats Ohio State in Columbus, based on how Ohio State is playing. Penn State looks good, Ohio State looks like that kid you knew in middle school who was good at basketball and then came back from summer break leading into 8th grade six inches taller with facial hair and the ability to dunk. They're not any more talented than they were the past few years, but all of their talent is doing the most talented things it can as opposed to last year's defensive shitshow. It just shows how the 2015 offensive and 2018 defensive staffs let that program down. They should probably have two more national titles this decade. 

    Anyway: Michigan has the best shot at beating Ohio State, but only for the most superficial of reasons (THROW OUT THE RECORD BOOKS, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN). It's the most emotional game Ohio State will play all year long, and it's on the road where they won't have been tested (Cincinnati, Michigan State, and Penn State are all home games). I don't think Michigan has much of a chance, but they have the tallest midget of chances. 


    tOSU basically has three bye weeks until PSU [an actual bye, Maryland (H) and Rutgers (A)] while PSU has to go to Minnesota in two weeks in the biggest game in that stadium's history.

    Michigan has also been steadily improving since the Wisconsin implosion.  That said, I expect the Buckeyes will be able to run all over them and Chase Young may kill Patterson.

    tOSU's adjusted stats this season are insane.  The best rushing offense in the country coupled with the best pass defense in the country is a great combination for winning a rivalry game on the road.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    How many arrest did we have during the mid 2000s?

    We only averaged 1.3 arrests per week during the halcyon days of the Mack regime, 0.9 of which were entirely attributable to racist laws and/or City of Austin policing techniques and the remainder of which were either a function of good, clean old fashioned "boys will be boys grabassing" or legitimate efforts to retrieve stolen property (RIP).  Certainly nothing as depraved as the sex trafficking, polygamy, serial murder and child slavery ubiquitous at Bowling Green, Utah,  Florida and Ohio State.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Beau Vine said:

    I'm dead serious -- I would rather my alma mater shut down its football program than hire Urban Meyer.  

    Frankly, you may have unwittingly touched on the larger and more important question that we all need to consider. Is it appropriate for the unquestioned moral leader in American higher education to even maintain a football program? Urban Meyer as the leader of the Texas football program is clearly a non-starter.  It will take strong and brave leadership for the university to take the progressive and ultimately inevitable step to entirely remove itself from the tawdry and exploitative business that is college football.

    • Like 3
  8. 19 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    You sound like someone who wants to be on par with aggy on a national level. I’m not sure we even have the same record as them if we played their schedule. This program is a joke right now. Fuck moral superiority at this point. If that’s your main focus you should be leading the bandwagon to hire Charlie Strong again.

    aggy is not in the same universe as Texas in terms of the morality of its football program.  Ever since that tower collapsed in South Bend, the Michigan Men and only the Michigan Men have been our only competition in the morality sweepstakes.  How quickly some of you would discard the very core of our identity!  Moral supremacy!  Paying some underprivileged minorities a couple Gs under the table while the university generates hundreds of millions in revenue off their unpaid labor to fund the bloated salaries of dozens of administrative lackeys in the AD is entirely beneath this unimpeachable university, much less hiring someone the ilk of Urban Meyer.  The very thought of him prowling the sidelines of the heretofore virtuous University of Texas football programs induces extreme nausea.  The very same petrodollar funded program whose glory days gave rise to the last all-white National Championship team and Meat on the Hoof!  I refuse to besmirch the good name of the Texas Longhorns by even contemplating the hiring of a coach who would immediately place the program among the nationally elite scum like Alabama, Ohio State and Oklahoma.  Even mentioning Texas in the same sentence as those "universities" taints our pristine reputation.  Texas will Win the Right Way with Good KidsTM or simply won't bother. 

    • Like 7
    • Haha 1
  9. The Horny debacle ceded the moral superiority that certain portions of the fan base have used to justify the incredible mediocrity of the program since the 1984 Cotton Bowl.  

    An elite program would be nice to have but it is far from the top priority of the athletic department and administration.  Herman isn't going anywhere until the net income of the program becomes a concern to the decision makers.    


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