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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. Although Nebraska is now a women's volleyball school, you can't blame them for leaving the Big 12 for the Big 10.  They are raking cash and benefiting academically from the Big 10 consortium.  Their football program is now complete dogshit with a bunch of meaningless, manufactured rivalries, but college football ain't what it used to be and will be even less recognizable in 20 years.    



  2. TLJ did Galaxy's Edge no favors.  Kids were obsessed with TFA.  Halloween 2016 was wall-to-wall Star Wars even though it was almost a year after the movie.  Then TLJ was released and basically killed all Star Wars momentum, including any enthusiasm for Star Wars lands based on the new trilogy.   

  3. In for hopefully the last trip to WDW in late January (kids will be 11, 9 and 5).  Staying at Grand Floridian so hopefully the new walkway to MK will be open by then (same concept as walkway from Contemporary).  Have never been to Pandora, Toy Story World or Galaxy's Edge so there will be quite a few new attractions.  Almost entirely skipping EPCOT this time around other than dinner and walking around World Showcase one night.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Really? Why? Do any actual players from Columbus factor into that assessment? Not that OSU hasn't recruited good players from central Ohio, but you would never call Columbus "ostensibly" OSU's recruiting pipeline. 

    Jim Tressel's teams were more loaded with Ohio players than Urban's teams and the team Day inherited. OSU's last star QB recruit from Ohio is now playing in Baton Rouge. And he was from southern Ohio. 

    I was speaking more to the positive impact that the new Columbus has had on recruiting battles with Michigan than Columbus as a recruiting hotbed, although Ohio State's highest rated recruit in 2019 is from a Columbus suburb that didn't really exist 20 years ago.    

  5. 12 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:



    This a really stupid take. And bad writing. Michigan has had the most success in modern times when they recruited good players from Ohio. Desmond Howard and Charles Woodson being the prime examples but there are many others. Michigan has also been recruiting nationally for a long time. They have to because there's not a lot of talent in Michigan. 

    I'm not sure how population loss in Detroit has hurt Michigan's recruiting, if at all. But if Stewart's going to compare that assertion to Ohio State, shouldn't he make some sort of case about population shift in Ohio or where OSU's 'ostensible' main recruiting pipeline is? Suggesting Michigan's problems are due to Detroit's declining population affecting their recruiting while OSU "is one of the sport’s premier juggernauts" is pretty lazy analysis. 

    I do think the development of Columbus and stagnation of Detroit over the past 30 years have altered the recruiting landscape, particularly w/r/t players from Ohio.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    Went to a cookout this afternoon. There were 4 pregnant women in attendance and lots of kids running around. Wife texted me in the middle to say “let’s get out of here”.

    Went home and cooked some great pasta, drank wine, watched adult TV, hung out with our dogs, booked a vacation, and spent “quality time” together. Life is pretty good around here.


    • Like 4
    • Haha 2
  7. 13 hours ago, staboner said:

    i was 25 when it happened. the 90s were some golden era for the US and the world. not much anymore and that makes me sad every goddamn day i live

    Completely agree.  The 90s were truly the halcyon days of yore.  Not only pre-9/11 but also pre-smart phone and pre-social media and pre-broadband.  

  8. Julie has since remarried, and she and her husband now have two children together. For nearly a decade, she has also volunteered at the 9/11 Tribute Museum, a family-run center that highlights the stories of victims and survivors of the attacks. She credits the museum, and the network of people she has met through it, with helping her grieve.

    “Moving forward does not mean you have forgotten your past. I don’t use the word closure, I don’t believe in it, people throw it out there all the time. You don’t ever close the door to something like this,” Julie says. “It’s one day at a time. That’s all this life is, one second at a time.”

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, South Austin said:

    No event in my lifetime has changed the fabric of America like 9/11.  I know post-9/11 life has been normalized so many years later, but sometimes were forget just how different the country, and the world, was before that day. 

    People born after the 1980s don't even remember a pre-9/11 world.  

  10. 3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Yeah, why do people think that everything listed as a core value is a one strike and you're out situation? Did Herman ever say that?

    I agree that the full picture of what he was doing should decide the punishment.

    Anyone who believes the staff or administration equates smoking weed with illegal possession of a firearm is smoking weed.

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