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Posts posted by alincoln

  1. ESPN's decline is attributable to many causes.  Injecting identity politics into Sportscenter certainly didn't help its cause given the target demographic, but eliminating politics discussion isn't going to address cord cutting and the associated pressure on ESPN's carriage fees or bring back the sophisticated fans who left years ago after ESPN "dumbed down" their content.

    ESPN is sports media intended for the ignorant masses of American society who watch television between 9 - 5 on weekdays.  UT alumni are not the target demo for its non-live sports programming.   

  2. Just now, bad_teammate said:

    So Bran and Sansa are the King and Queen of Westeros? That's your argument? If so, what is Sansa's kingdom of the North "independent" from?

     Great derail guys, just A+ effort. Really adding a lot of important information and fun commentary.

    Westeros is a continent that now includes several nations with different rulers.   Really difficult concept

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  3. Just now, Anastasis said:

    So I am not on board with forced sterilization under any circumstances; however, I do think that a reasonable approach might be to require some level of exit counseling at that point and making available, voluntarily of course, long-acting birth control methods. 

    Haha.  Exit counseling.  I completely understand why the middle and upper class avoid interacting with the tens (hundreds?) of millions of irresponsible mouth breathers in this country who are entirely incapable of modifying their behavior in response to exit counseling or effectively employing birth control but at least recognize their existence.

  4. 11 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    What the fuck.  How about we just take some common sense measures to help women before they have to make their third trip to the abortion clinic. 

    Exactly.  First trimester abortions should be free and encouraged.  That said, sterilization should be required after two or possible three abortions.  

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