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  1. PM Knoxtnhorn - he's going through the same back injury/pain shit you are right now.
  2. We had some family photos done last year, from https://www.easycanvasprints.com/ they're local (Austin). they turned out really well.
  3. I had bulging disks, and the epidural injections worked wonders for me. After suffering with the pain and being effectively bedridden for ~2 weeks, I was able to get an MRI, and later an appointment with the Pain Specialists, she recommended trying the injections first. The day of the procedure, I hobbled into her office using two canes like I was one of "Jerry's Kids - and walked out a couple of hours later carrying the canes. Core strengthening and an inversion table helped recovery as well. But every now and then, I'll bend wrong or pick up something and feel that little twinge of pain that reminds me that I'm not as young as I used to be, and need to be careful. Personally, I'd eliminate all other options before going under the knife.
  4. I rode my motorcycle to work yesterday. The morning ride in was nice. The ride coming was f-ing brutal.
  5. Except I actually use my sockets... there was Pampered Chef shit in the drawer that we had owned for years and Never used.
  6. Seconded. In my experience, home warranties aren't worth that paper they're printed on (at least that's the way it was with American Home Shield). You paid the $90 fee for the tech to show up and tell you it wasn't covered.They Always denied the claim stating that it was a per-existing condition or normal wear-and-tear. Last house we bought, the owner tried to sweeten the deal with an AHS "warranty", we told them keep your warranty, give me the cash.
  7. I feel like Pampered Chef invents kitchen tools for problems that doesn't exist, just so they can sell you the tool - like do you really need a special knife to cut an avocado, or clean the seeds out of a bell pepper? She'd go her friends parties and order all this crap. I finally got her to agree to sort through the kitchen drawers and cabinets and get rid of the stuff we don't use. Several hundred dollars worth of Pampered Chef stuff ended up on the counter.
  8. Gilmore Girls. FML
  9. complains about the clutter in the garage. says she wants to have a garage sale. brings home more random stuff that her grandmother was going to throw away. puts it in the garage. complains about having to sort/price stuff for her garage sale (which likely wont happen for another 6mos). complains about the clutter in the garage.
  10. CSB. Not me, but the wife, so maybe this should go in the Wives thread? One summer while I was going to school I worked with my BIL for his grandfather’s asbestos abatement company. It was hard work, but I needed a job and the pay was good. I was the only white guy on any of the crews, so naturally I picked up some of the more “colorful” Spanish words and phrases. Occasionally, I’d let one slip around the wife (GF at the time). Eventually we got to the point that we’d jokingly use “chingos” in everyday conversations. At the time, the wife (GF) worked for the school district doing anti-drug/violence prevention presentations. One day she was meeting with a group of school administrators - the principal, VP, counselor, and security guard (all Hispanic). The VP asked her if she had any more of the flyers from her presentation. She replies that she has “chingos” more in her car. They all look at her shocked, and the security guard busts out laughing. He says, “What did you just say…?” She replies, “Yes, I have chingos in my car.” He says, “That’s what I thought I heard. Do you know what that means?” Her, “It means “a lot”. Him, “Hahaha… it means “a fucking lot”… hahaha”. Her, “OMG”. They all got a laugh out of it, but agreed that she shouldn’t use that word at work.
  11. Same. My wife is so inattentive to the pots she starts boiling on the stove, that when the smoke detector goes off and the kids say "Mommy's cooking!"
  12. Your level of pain sounds exactly like my bulging disks, I couldn't move without excruciating pain. You'll never feel as helpless as having your back messed up.... back so knotted up it feels like you're laying on a bag of tennis balls, having to piss in a jar because you cant get out of bed, eating pain pills like they're Tic-Tacs, just to take the edge off, but they never really alleviate the pain, not able to take a shit because you're all stopped up from the pain pills, and you're not able to find a comfortable position to lay so you can never get any restful sleep. Sound familiar? You need to get an MRI to confirm bulging/herniated disks, then get a recommendation to see a Pain Specialist for possibly (probably) epidural injections.
  13. Sounds like a bulging / herniated disk to me. I had this happen in the early 2000s and was laid up for a couple weeks. The only position that alleviated "some" of the pain was to lay on the floor, flat on my back with my knees bent or with a pillow under my knees. I eventually had to get the steroid epidural injections so I could at least function while it healed. Still every once in a while I'll reach to pick something up and feel a twinge that reminds me its still there.
  14. My current ride. 2009 Ducati Monster 1100.
  15. Holy Shit, I would NEVER have my wife operate my tractor - she can barely operate her car. Id get one of the kids before Id ask her for help - at least the kids can take direction and follow instructions.
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