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Posts posted by ZanTheFan

  1. Isn't it possible that all these leaks are simply the ham-handed negotiation tactics of an amateur agent?


    Uncle Dennis is not exactly a seasoned professional.


    All we've ever heard from Kawhi himself is that he wants to be here, and be healthy.


    I would bet the Spurs told Kawhi's team that the Supermax wasn't a lock because his health has been dicey. I'm guessing they explained they'd like to see him qualify for it again this year, and they'd offer it next summer.


    This was probably the Spurs starting point for negotiation. Uncle Dennis' move? Leak that Kawhi wants out, and force the Spurs to cave into either 1) offering supermax or 2) actually trading him.





  2. It's my first fathers day. Our son was born the Friday after Mother's Day.

    I'd be really into the new e-go weed whacker or my go-to....which is any criquet polo....

    But I should just ask for stuff for the newborn, right?

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  3. My 2005 Lexus has heated and cooled seats. Why are some of y'all acting like this is a new invention?

    I installed my own $130 bluetooth unit hardwired onto the Bose system and everything sounds great.

    Any navigation I need comes from Google or Waze. I have literally no reason to buy a new car and this thing is 13 years old.
    How did you install the Bluetooth? Googled the same project for my 09 ES and it looked pretty damn complicated
  4. And I would love to negotiate with you. The Spurs have all the leverage here. Kawhi's family is apparently trying to maximize his earnings. He's already left millions on the table with Nike and he isn't making that money up if he signs a free agent contract anywhere other than San Antonio after next season. Only the Spurs can offer him the super max. And, unless I'm mistaken, if the Spurs don't offer it this summer then he has to come back next year and re-qualify for it which would mean making an all-nba team or being league MVP or defensive player of the year. So why would they commit that money not knowing if he's going to play? If he comes back and he qualifies for the supermax, then they will offer it to him. If he can't go, then they will have paid him $39 million for two seasons of not playing. 
    The risk is that he's unrestricted, which ultimately gives him all the leverage if he thinks he can make up the money off the court....which seems to be the case.

    One of the reasons (maybe THE reason) why the Cavs moved Kyrie is because he threatened to get season-ending surgery if they didn't trade him. At which point he would have zero trade value, and walks at the end of the season leaving the Cavs with nothing to show for it. Would Kawhi play hard ball like this? Do Pop+RC want to find out?
  5. His uncle's thinking would be that Kawhi would more than make up that $70MM with a larger, KD/LeBron type endorsement deal will fall into his lap once he's in a Lakers uniform and out of "podunk San Antonio." How they plan to do that with a guy with the personality of an automaton that's fallen off the face of the earth for the past year, I don't know, but I'm sure his uncle's got a scheme or two cookin' up.
    He would have to make up 90MM in endorsements though, not "just" 70. He's already walked away from the 20 MM shoe extension. Add that to potentially walking away from another 70 on the supermax.

    So over 5 years, he'd have to get an additional 18 MM a year off the court. For context, Blake Griffin was pulling in 8MM in endorsements as a Clipper. And he has a legit celeb personality.

    Here's the list of top off court earners annually according to Forbes:

    LeBron 52
    Steph 42
    KD 33
    Harden 20
    Russ 19
    Kyrie, Lillard, Wade, 14
    Giannis, Klay 13

    Cleveland, Portland, Milwaukee, OKC on that list, proving market is not really even relevant. So KL's team is wagering that LA is worth 18+ a year off the court? More than twice what Blake was making. Even if he manages to match what Blake was getting, he's still giving up 50 MM over 5 years! Idiotic.

    Maybe they're the smartest guys in the room, because I don't see it.

  6. one theory I used to buy was that PATFO approached Kawhi and his team (last summer? last season? who knows) about the potential of not extending the Supermax contract. Spurs way, loyalty, we'll take care of you down the road, etc etc. and Uncle Dennis got butthurt.

    I'm starting to doubt this theory more and more though. if that were true, it seems like it would've leaked by now.

  7. 2 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    Story has all the earmarks of an influential “uncle” looking to leverage a payday for himself regardless of whether or not it benefits the “client.” I guess time will tell as to what happens but this story has been written, told, and witnessed many many times before, with unpredictable results. 

    it does... but then why does the uncle seem to be angling for a move that costs his client $70 million over the course of his next contract? this after already turning down a $20 million shoe contract extension. if it's purely financial, then it really makes no sense!


  8. Kawhi + Pau for

    Fultz, Saric, Covington + 2018 first

    Where do we sign?????


    Over the last few weeks, league sources told the Express-News the Sixers could make a push for Leonard this offseason and include their highly-coveted 2018 first-round pick.

    Add forward Dario Saric, forward Robert Covington, and last year's top overall pick Markelle Fultz, who is close with Dejounte Murray, to the mix, and the Sixers have an attractive package to offer the Spurs that also removes Leonard from the Western Conference.

    Sixers coach Brett Brown could also have an impact. Sources tell the Express-News Leonard would have no problem being coached by Brown, the former Spurs assistant coach.

    Also, the Sixers could take Pau Gasol off the Spurs' books, and have enough money under the salary cap to absorb the deal.

  9. 2 hours ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Welp.... that team gave it everything they had. I don't know what more you could have asked from them. Hate losing but they were so undermanned in that series. Durant and Thompson were just too good. 

    This may sound stupid, but I feel much better about the team and season after these last two games. The whole season has been bizarre and un-spurs like but they kept pounding the rock until the end. 

    Same. They were never going to defeat the warriors but at least they didn't go out without a hell of a fight

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