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Everything posted by Cheeseweasel

  1. Economics is a science. Spinning economic facts into feelings is a Librul Art.
  2. People who think flour tortillas are better than corn tortillas need to move back to Minnesota.
  3. Braunschweiger slams and goes hard. Doritos bring the crunch it lacks. Gordon Ramsey should be so talented.
  4. People are fucking stupid, Exhibit 2,392,359,461,939
  5. It's like a bad sitcom. Marriage, that is.
  6. When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Only explanation.
  7. So...do the opposite? Convince me Wally isn't Cramer.
  8. Blaming business for inflation is like blaming the football for the interception you just threw.
  9. The two face. But only in bad lighting.
  10. Is she hot? Banging the boss? No other explanation for getting away with that BS behavior.
  11. Yes, but the interest rates are increasing because (checks talking points) evil corporations are taking profits.
  12. You really believe your own bullshit, don't you? When is the last time you paid corporate tax?
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