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Everything posted by Cheeseweasel

  1. It's a legit question. But Georgetown did the study, so there's no bias there. Also noted: Wuhan lab says "It was the bat. Trust us".
  2. Mbappe is going to run around Botman and Schar for fun
  3. "I don't understand why we have so much debt!"
  4. Im gonna need a source for that chart. Does it take into account that if I took the 100k+ I needed to pay for State U and put it into an investment account what my return would be?
  5. I agree. The people who convinced kids that college was the answer are assholes.
  6. This. If there was one thing I could instill in the yutes, it would be 'live within your means' while you are young. They'll be time for nice things later, but stay out of debt for as long as you can. Once you are behind the debt curve, life is infinitely harder.
  7. Compared to what? The bubonic plague?
  8. Kramer at Brandt Leyland is the best bit in the entire Seinfeld series. It's the perfect mix of physical comedy, great writing, and absurdity. Fight me.
  9. It's just about finding the balance.
  10. Women will used phrases like "sports game" and then bitch because you don't know the difference between chartreuse and lime.
  11. Gotta be Cal Jr. Dude played forever to get 3,000.
  12. Yup. He should have pulled a Costanza and walked out on a high note.
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