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Everything posted by Cheeseweasel

  1. It's politics. Don't try to make sense of it.
  2. They said 50 million. We are going to fuck around over 5 million that we'll end up paying anyway. Now we've missed 2 weeks of training.
  3. He had a great Italian cooking show that I used to love to watch.
  4. William Friedkin, Acclaimed Director of ‘The French Connection’ and ‘The Exorcist,’ Dies at 87 https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/william-friedkin-dead-french-connection-exorcist-1235557801/
  5. The most interesting part of this is that Eric Clapton didn't paly in any of these bands.
  6. Free time with the dog? That's a win.
  7. Not nearly as much as our defense. Prediction: Liverpool will lose a key player to injury and everyone at the club will be shocked at our lack of depth.
  8. Start with these three: And throw in these two: And your movie will be filled with great characters.
  9. Shhhhh! I'm selling Lanarkite mining claims and you're destroying my business!
  10. Especially when Everton gets there.
  11. "And you look like you never want to get laid again"
  12. "Jerry all these big companies they write off everything" I use that line all the time.
  13. You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe! I lost my train of thought.
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