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Everything posted by Cheeseweasel

  1. Anyone who plays country music at my funeral is getting haunted.
  2. Anyone wearing a Packers jersey deserves to be shunned.
  3. The way he rips that off of Frank's house is comic genius.
  4. Similar experience with CAT. We priced a few items for them, they liked our product/pricing, bought a few items to test and work out the kinks. Then promised us a multi million dollar deal if we'd agree to hold our pricing for 5 years plus a 5% reduction in pricing per year. They were absolutely shocked when we said no. They love to give these deals to mom & pop shops that tool up for these projects so they have them over the barrel midway thru the deal. Ruthless.
  5. Poor kid is probably going to die in a tragic Zamboni accident.
  6. Or the supplier, depending on the market. From my experience, If you've ever had to deal with a Mega Corporation like Walmart, Cat, Amazon, they fuck their suppliers on a regular basis. Oh, your costs have gone up 25%? Sucks to be you. Next!
  7. Ignore Oil money, sell more kits!
  8. Golden Rule: He who makes the gold, makes the rules. And you are correct--this is the true threat to capitalism.
  9. That's very true. When you are a billion dollar company and can afford a full time Government Bullshit Management Department, you certainly have a leg up over us little guys.
  10. Truth. I'm team Free Markets, but you can't complain about "unfair tax code" without discussing the hundreds of other shitty ways the government gets involved in business practices. Tax code is just the tip of the government dildo.
  11. Ah yes. The City model. AKA, what are you going to do, take our trophies and celebrations away?
  12. I'm for them! Did we just start a club?
  13. It used to be Mitch. Still is, but it used to be too.
  14. Non-commodity pricing rarely rises in a straight line. "Never let a good crisis go to waste" works in business just like politics. Most businesses absorb minor cost increases through efficiency and reshuffling their portfolio of products (i.e. cull lower/zero profit items, push higher profit items). This happens for years until something disrupts the market. At that point, some brave soul pushing for a higher selling price. The market reacts by accepting the new price (and other suppliers follow) or gets rejected by the market (and other suppliers don't follow). What you are missing is the years of increases costs that DON'T result in inflation. But that doesn't get Economists on talking head shows.
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