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Everything posted by Cheeseweasel

  1. Maybe it was a birthday gift from his wife. "What do you want for your birthday?" "A blowjob" "Seriously. What do you want" "I told you." "Well your not getting that" "Then go clean the grill" "Done"
  2. *Posted her fake tits on Shaggy before the site was stolen by a dude who makes slushies for an undisclosed sum (but was rumored to be threefiddy)
  3. Those sheep needed a bit more coaxing.
  4. 18 people watching the Beatles at their Best.
  5. Moving. Next time I move it's to a prison or a hospital.
  6. I always assume I'm much worse than anything they could find out about me...
  7. Working in the Pilbara or just vacation?
  8. So they throw in the Trichinosis for free?
  9. If you think that politics is this black/white then you really need to leave your echo chamber. Contently slaying strawmen is futile.
  10. Hindsight is 20/20 and our government moves slow as shit. The bill was crafted with the typical Washington thought of "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it". At that point, the scammers had already figured it out. Good program shitty execution.
  11. Maybe that's true about you and I commend you for it. However, you have to admit CR is quite an echo chamber. But I guess that's the way most forums work.
  12. We'll never know what would have happened as an alternative. I think the fact that businesses survived, the unemployment rates stayed low, etc. are pretty good measures of success. I agree. The funding end was good, the "forgiveness" part was a sham. The should go after the abusers.
  13. You're paying $7.00 per pound for 3 hotdogs & 1 hamburger...
  14. When you define the terms, it's easy to support your cause.
  15. They serve lobstah rolls in the fucking McDonald's near where I grew up in CT. Insanity.
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