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Everything posted by Cheeseweasel

  1. Truth. Our weaknesses are obvious and having Jude wouldn't have propelled us into the title race this year. A complete restructure of our midfield might have.
  2. Dortmund must be sitting on a pile of money from the Sancho & Bellingham sales.
  3. Are you using "old reddit" or the shitty reddit design? Any of the enhancements for the Chrome browser? I wouldn't worry about it too much because Reddit will cave in some way.
  4. Brighton is going to be playing European football with U18's by the time this window is over.
  5. That's correct. Once the reactor is offline, the boron in the control rods will keep fusion from occurring, thus eliminating the need to reduce heat with fresh water. Assuming it's similar to a US reactor, the spend fuel is stored in pools that need no additional water either.
  6. Damn right. They should STONKS like us normal degenerates. "Stonks: the enviro-friendly way to lose your ass!"
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