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Everything posted by Cheeseweasel

  1. Only bangers match
  2. Grealish should be off by halftime.
  3. I'm regarded. I read that as 30 I.E.L.P and was trying to figure out who the "I" was in Emerson Lake & Palmer.
  4. I'm sorry for your loss, Nicole. Don't be too hard on yourself. When it's our time, it's our time.
  5. *dirt to dirt
  6. Speak for yourself. It needs to double again for me to be even.
  7. Those look like "hiking to the Starbucks" boots.
  8. The fact that we play 2 squads in the relegation zone scares the crap out of me.
  9. Hangover form the Coronation.
  10. Good to see the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch made an appearance
  11. Those huge balls have cancer?
  12. Nah, the head is still intact.
  13. In his defense, given the way he looks, he had no choice but to be a freaky pervert.
  14. Time for the Al Davis meme please
  15. Taylor better be getting a huge check for this.
  16. Taylor sucks so much ass
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