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Everything posted by 77horn

  1. It may be the grind of the salt/pepper. Table grind salt will have twice the weight of coarse with a given volume.
  2. I've been evolving over the years, but right now I think that if you can't vote in the election, you can't spend money influencing it. No corporations, unions Congressional coordinating committees, no one from California donating to the Texas congressional district 18 race. If you are a pac supporting a candidate in district 18, all the money you spend must come from district 18 eligible voters. I know, it's like herding cats, where there is great power to be used, some bastard will find a way to influence it.
  3. Dumb question (amnesty). How did Bingo Ank! get its name? And is the exclamation mark required?
  4. Assuming your grandmother is too senile to decide, look at Grandpa's will. Its possible that it stipulated who gets the uniform. Likely it was one that said Grandma gets everything. If so, then what does Grandma's will say. If both wills are silent, then all the 4 children should decide. Yeah, uncle has POA, but all 4 should know who gets what to avoid more bad shit when Grandma passes. If this irritates over a uniform, imagine what would happen when time to dived the land, keepsakes, etc.
  5. not through the duct, but but using the using the duct as a support, like a sloth on a limb.
  6. Not into the duct, but hanging on the duct with arms and legs. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  7. Read an explanation somewhere that Lalo didn't use the drop ceiling itself for support, but rather duct work and piping in the space. As to Kim's reaction, I think she was shock at the angry emotion of Jimmy/Saul. The depth of emotion that caused him to say those things right outside the room. It surprised her, just as it surprised us.
  8. GotDamnIt. Wife likes football but hates the commercials so we always record the game and start watching about 30 minutes late. I also tell it to record 1½ hours past scheduled end. Today we started about 90 minutes late. All is going well until just before 2nd half kickoff. it freezes on some fucking truck commercial as I am fast forwarding. So it try FF to get out of it. Well went ahead 45 minutes on the progress bar and nothing still fucking truck picture. Tried going back into halftime. pick up a picture and sound. gets to truck commercial and it stops. I check the settings to verify it is still going to continue for the extra hour and a half. Go into other room to see if the game is over. It was, but fuck they show the score. (yeah, we won. But it looses the fun when you already know the end) Reset the Genie. takes for ever to get restarted. Status light looks good, but wireless light is off. But I am getting picture and sound from a channel even though I am getting a message of no wireless connection. Call DTV, on the phone with them for 30 minutes. They have no fucking clue but think is was a broadcast issue, not a genie issue. I won't bother with my reaction to this, other than that I told him that given the genie's glitches, I suspect the DVR. he assured me their engineers were hard at work improving the software, fixing glitches, improving fonts and colors on the interface. Told him fuck the fonts and colors fix the GD glitches. Turns out I had lost from halftime to 5 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. So I watched from there. All is well until Dicker lines up for the game winning field goal. It seems that even though I verified it was set for an extra hour and a half, the genie decided to turn off after 30 minutes extra. Thanks to those goatfuckers at DTV, I didn't even get to enjoy beating the fucking sooners.
  9. As well. Still remember the SI article on the game. Down And Out Can Be Upsetting
  10. I think Gilligan chose Ignacio from BB, because he knew it was a character that BB didn't develop, but Saul knows him and references knowledge of him and a crime. I also think than "something" will happen to him, but that doesn't mean he dies. The show has already revealed that he has fake Canadian documents for himself and his father. Gilligan has said he doesn't throw curveballs at the audience. He might just disappear, at the end, but his Saul's memory of him in the BB era was vivid, not of someone who disappeared 3 years prior.
  11. For those who didn't like Burl Ives singing Big Rock Candy Mountain, after thinking about it, it was perfect. BRCM is about Hobos in the 1890s searching for a place that was heaven on earth, and from which the cops would not chase them away. If they found it they had it made. As I see it, the Lab is Gus's BRCM. When he finishes it, and gets Gale working, he will have the best product out there, be free of the cartel, and no one will be able to chase him away. But the Burl Ives version doesn't include the original last verse, which laments that BRCM doesn't really exist. And we all know what happened to Gus and the Lab when he found Walt had a better product, and brought him in to teach Gale.
  12. "Erase ______ from curriculum" has an entirely different connotation than "not require". I'd say the idiot author of the OP's twitter post either doesn't realize that or was trying to elicit an emotional response, which is exactly what the OP had. And then he races over here to post the outrage du jour. But seriously, people who quote a twitter post as "reliable", are not looking for the truth.
  13. never get your news from twitter..... the voted to not require Clinton and Keller be taught, from the Statesman: They are not prohibited from teaching about them. There are only so many hours of classroom teaching, yet every year there are more historically significant people. but go ahead. Go by what twitter says and be all butt hurt.
  14. Based upon what I've read, I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that she went to his apartment intentionally and under color of authority. I am undecided as to when she decided to kill him, but she at least wanted to confront him.
  15. If the article is correct and the door did not malfunction, or Jean intentional propping it open, it could not have been ajar. Given the half eaten bowl of cereal and book, the most likely thing in my mind is that she knocked and he opened the door.
  16. I'm late to the discussion, but based upon the last couple of pages, I felt this article was interesting Cop (Guyger) had filed a noise complaint about Jean a few days prior. Apartment # are displayed w/ illuminated sign next to door. Door are fire doors with automatically close. When key is inserted red light flashes if it is the wrong key Jean had a half circle welcome mat outside his door. Cop had no such welcome mat. Cop's story is full of holes.
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